Rob's Diary: 🔥 How to deal with trading losses (open)


It's a beautiful Tuesday morning in Arizona. 

I'm saying hi to the horses, drinking coffee, feeling grateful.

Yesterday I bought some DOGE, and some ALGO, and this morning I bought some BLRX (stock). 

The crypto stuff is on fire. I think we'll see $1 on DOGE, and pretty soon.

Now, a more important topic: 

How can you come back from a big loss?

Today, I'm gonna give you my top secret on how to not just deal with a loss emotionally, but also get it back.

More on that in a moment.

But first ...

I'm wondering ...

Are you interested in an intense, 10-day bootcamp to get completely set up and ready to trade, and learn my favorite strategy?

Click here and let me know you're interested, and you will be first in line to register for the bootcamp if we decide to do it.

Now, back to today's email.

Now, how can you come back from a big loss?

Here's a list of what I do, what has worked for me - and I hope it helps.

1. Stop trading. For at least a day.

2. Get out a notebook, or a spreadsheet, and write some notes about the loss. Pinpoint the one main reason you took the loss (trade size too big, panicked, added to a losing position, etc).

3. Reduce your trade size. This is the #1 way to improve your trading the fastest. 

4. Make a checklist before you trade again. List out every step you take when you take a trade with your strategy.

5. Take your next trade with the new reduced trade size.

As you follow these steps, you're going to gain back confidence. 

As you gain back your confidence, you're going to make small gains.

And those small gains, compounded, will bring back the loss.

It requires patience.

It requires you to stop, think, and regain your composure before you recoup your losses.

But it works.

You'd be shocked to know how quickly you can potentially gain back losses - if you are willing to take your time.

Now, for a brief word about an exceptional trader:

Did you know my friend Tom Busby just unlocked the secret to $.10 (ten cent!) Moonshot Trades?

Click here for a special presentation- it's coming down soon and you do not want to miss it.

All right.

It's time to walk the dogs, feed the horses, and grab another cup of the ol' Breakfast Blend (this is not a commercial, lol).

I love the heck out of you.

If you're struggling, remember that it gets better. A lot better.

If you're in a trading funk, and can't get out of it, click here and I'll get you first in line for my upcoming bootcamp where you can get focused, and get on track again.

I'll be in touch a big later today with a big announcement.


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