The Financial Crisis of 2008 was devastating..

The Financial Crisis of 2008 was devastating..

The Financial Crisis of 2008 was devastating...

A Tale Of Two People…

True story.

Two guys worked together in the same company in the financial community.

One, let's call him Richard, was about 45, balding, mainly gray hair, with a paunch. He would come to the office, take off his suit jacket and put on a Father Knows Best sweater.

Nice big house for his family in Westchester County north of New York City. Very smart. Had been in the financial industry his whole life.

He was rich. He was the general partner in a limited partnership that invested in super safe preferred shares.

The other person, let's call him Courtney, was 35 years old and a trader. He lived in a hip loft in Greenwich Village. He was the head of a trading unit so he was considered a risky trader.

On Friday, the stock market moved sharply lower. It was the largest one day move in stock market history. But OK, no biggie. Everybody figured that the market would calm down particularly since Monday was Columbus Day on Monday.

But Monday came and it was the Crash of 1987. The market crashed 40% in one day!

So what happened to Richard and Courtney?

Richard lost everything. Literally. The limited partners in his fund lost money but, as the general partner, he lost most of the money in the fund. It became his personal debt!

He lost all of the money he had in the bank. He had his house taken away from him. He lost his job. He lost everything.

Yet he had not prepared for a bear market or crash. He was, after all, the conservative investor.

Courtney, on the other hand, made more money that day than any day he ever had as a trader. Literally millions and millions of dollars! Huge bonuses, baby!

But, wait, wasn't he the "risky" trader?

In fact, he was much more in tune with what was happening because, as a trader, he was focused on the hear and now not what had worked in the past.

The market crashed, the economy plunged but Courtney made out just fine.

It's important to not get complacent. Just because things are good doesn't mean they will be good tomorrow. You need to have a trader's mind even if you don't trade.

Yes, I was Courtney.

I've just put together a brand new video course called How To Make Money In Bear Markets.

I go into some of the techniques I used to make so much money that day.

In addition, because it is a new course, I am discounting the usual price by 50% of $997. Click here to own it now. Or text/call Syree at 702-718-8588. How to Make Money in a Bear Market Course Discount Promo CODE " B34R!

I show you:

  • What is a bear market or crash
  • What causes them
  • How to predict them a year in advance
  • How to time them perfectly
  • What to buy and sell
  • And much much more

You can't afford to not own this! Click here to register now! How to Make Money in a Bear Market Course Discount Promo CODE " B34R!


Good trading,

Courtney Smith


WealthBuilder LLC
2310 Paseo Del Prado
Suite A105
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102
United States
(888) 464-8666

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