If you don't trust the government's latest numbers... read this

This month, some frightening headlines hit the newswire…

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Editor's Note :Occasionally, an opportunity comes to our attention that we believe readers like you will find valuable. The message below from one of our partners is one we believe you should take a close look at.



This month, some frightening headlines hit the newswire…

Ten-year inflation expectations rose above well above 2% – a number that hasn't been reported since April 2013.

But if that doesn't bother you in any way, just wait, there's more...


But if that doesn't bother you in any way, just wait, there's more...The prices of corn, wheat, soybeans, sugar, vegetable oils, and a number of commodities that make up the backbone of the global economy are surging.


And as a result, global spending budgets are sounding the alarms.


What will happen when basic food items in America double or triple in price?


What will happen to the lower and middle class when gasoline is $5 a gallon?


What will happen as the price of corn creates havoc for meat producers, ethanol, and industrial products like insulation used in houses?


If prices continue to climb, things are about to get downright SCARY for millions of Americans.


Keep in mind: The official story from the government – and even some mainstream news outlets – is that the costs of basic goods aren't rising.


That's a problem.


As this thing called inflation is increasingly impacting the economy, the stock market is floating near all-time highs…


That's another problem.


The hard reality this market must face is hiding behind loads of misinformation, speculation, and greed.


And if you're not careful, you – the individual investor – could be the one who pays the price.


Which is why it's critically important for you to check out the single best investment for anyone who wants to feel comfortable and safe right now.


Click here to learn more.



Tim Melvin


P.S. All of the indicators I use to track buying and selling by institutions, activists, and corporate insiders are flashing sell right now, and buying pressure is drying up in many segments of the stock market.


Risks and fears of inflation are rapidly rising right along with stock prices…


So, before the music stops, I urge you to take this opportunity to hedge your portfolio against potential disaster.



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