Rob's Diary: Know when to pull out

Happy Morning!

I like taking risks. 

Do you?

Nothing crazy like jumping out of a plane…

But smart, calculated risks with the potential to earn lots of money. 

Look, there is always risk in trading. 

Always. Don't let anyone tell you there isn't.

I've had plenty of days where my trades were on point and I've made a ton of money.

And other days... things didn't turn out exactly as I'd hoped and I lost a little.

And that's okay… because you can't win if you don't play.


Exactly What You Want

It's great to have exactly what you want…

Exactly when you want it.

Especially when it comes to something as serious as trading.

Last night, Rob Booker did something incredible.

He built his new stock trading system LIVE on air…

Based on feedback from attendees!

Anyone watching had the chance to help build the "perfect" stock training and stock picking package.

And now you can have it too.

Click Here Now to see the replay before it's taken down.


If you're a new trader…

Learn your risk level, and get comfortable with it.

If you're a more experienced trader…

Learn your risk level and get comfortable with it!

But know when to pull out.

And you've probably heard me say this a lot, but it's true:

Trading and life are so similar.

Take smart, calculated risks and try the things you've always wanted to try!

You only have one life.

Me too.

I'm going to make the most of mine.

I'm going to travel where I want.

Try new hobbies.

Sing karaoke.

But I'm not going to jump out of a plane.

Too risky for me!

But maybe not you.

See how that works.

Figure out your OWN risk level.

And don't worry if you take a small loss on a trade…

Or get laughed at for singing out of tune.

And if you go skydiving…

Not gonna lie — you should totally worry and be nervous… what's wrong with you?!?

I love the heck out of you


P.S. I took a HUGE risk last night. In this webinar I actually built the new Bank Lines system based on live feedback! People who attended got me to add so much stuff! If you didn't see it live… Click Here Now to watch the replay while it's still active.

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