The Small Idea That Became a Monumental Success


The Oxford Club Special Opportunities

The Small Idea That Became a Monumental Success

Matt Benjamin, Senior Markets Expert, The Oxford Club

Sometimes, you're on the cusp of something really big and don't even know it.

Three summers ago, I was in Newburyport, Massachusetts, with my family, visiting my wife's parents. It's a beautiful little town with brick sidewalks and a harbor full of sailboats on the Merrimack River, about 45 minutes north of Boston.

I was The Oxford Club's Editorial Director at the time, and CEO and Executive Publisher Julia Guth asked me to meet an old friend of hers for lunch while I was in town. She told me he had recently moved to the area and that he had an intriguing idea.

So I sat down for sandwiches that August day with Bryan Bottarelli, an options trading guru who had been talking to Julia about creating a new trading service centered on options and other short-term opportunities.

I say creating, but for Bryan, as I soon learned, it was actually re-creating the atmosphere of the Apple Computer trading pit on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). That's where Bryan - straight out of college - cut his teeth trading options.

That trading pit was intense and a bit manic at times, he told me, but it was also exhilarating. And if you were good at options trading (and Bryan was as good as anyone out there), you could have made a lot of money.

Unfortunately for traders like Bryan, the CBOE has changed dramatically in recent years and the trading pits are gone. So Bryan explained that he wanted to start an online trading research pit of sorts. It would be a community of like-minded trading enthusiasts - beginners and professionals alike - focused intensely on researching, strategizing and executing winning trades together.

It seemed like a cool idea to me.

So Julia, a few others at the Club and I gave Bryan and his team some advice and assistance to get it off the ground. And Karim Rahemtulla - who was the Club's Options Strategist at the time - left the Club to join him. They eventually brought in Ryan Fitzwater, the Club's former Director of Research, to help run things as Associate Publisher.

Bryan and Karim decided to call their new venture Monument Traders Alliance. They named their online trading research platform The War Room to reflect the idea that this group of people was working strategically to conquer the market and make big gains.

At the time, I thought this unique venture might see some modest success.

Wildly Exceeded Expectations

Since then, Bryan and Karim - as Head Trade Tactician and Head Fundamental Tactician, respectively - have led Monument Traders Alliance and The War Room to immense success...

In fact, The War Room recently marked its two-year anniversary, and you could say its success has been anything but modest.

Bryan and Karim have hit a whopping 987 winning recommendations over two years (and that number will probably be higher by the time you read this). That's an average of almost nine winners per week.

The War Room model portfolio went from $12,000 to more than $101,000... beating the S&P 500 Index by 1,550% in just two years.

The War Room has exceeded - by a mile - all expectations we at the Club had for it. And we even went so far as to include Monument Traders Alliance as one of the Club's Pillar One Advisors.

Bryan's and Karim's approaches to markets nicely complement the Club's approach. Generally, it's recommended that investors put 90% to 95% of their money into longer-term investments. Bryan and Karim can help investors put the remaining 5% to 10% to work with what we call intelligent speculation.

And the Monument Traders Alliance team also publishes the Trade of the Day e-letter (which you can get for free here). Check it out if you want to learn more about options trading and other great short-term investing opportunities.

I've spent some time in The War Room, and I can vouch for the excitement. Being part of this group and racking up wins together is an experience you can't find anywhere else that I'm aware of. And it's been truly exciting to watch The War Room grow and prosper.

So congratulations, Bryan, Karim and the rest of the Monument Traders Alliance team. Your success has been nothing short of monumental.

Good investing,


P.S. If you're not a member of The War Room, now may be the ideal time to join. It is accepting new members, and Bryan and Karim are working to guarantee 300 winners this year. Think that's crazy? Well, they are confident they can do it. Click here to learn more about it.



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