Alert: Silver Set for a Massive Breakout

Mines aren't always discovered by donkeys.
But when they are, they might just be world-class silver mines.
That's what happened in 1900, when Jim Butler's pack donkey wandered off.
Donkeys are stubborn animals, and Butler's attempts to get the animal back weren't working. Frustrated, he picked up a rock to throw at the donkey.
The rock seemed heavy, so he kept it. Later, he had it assayed.
It turned out to be a chunk of silver ore.
Not much is known about the fate of Jim Butler's burro, but the Tonopah district, as the region came to be known, is half the reason Nevada is the "Silver State."
Within ten years of the discovery, Tonopah was pumping out 10 million ounces of silver a year.

  • By the end of the Roaring 20's, it had produced 174 million ounces.
Then the Global Financial Crisis of the 1930s destroyed silver prices.
Silver dropped from $1/oz… to just $0.35/oz.
The mines cost too much to operate—and the processing mills were too far away.
Production fell off a cliff.
  • In 1936, just 5,000 ounces of silver were mined. It may as well have been zero.
But there was a lot of silver still in those abandoned mines.
For thirty years, no one touched it.
Then in 1969, Howard Hughes—the Elon Musk of his day—sent a few of his minions to buy every Tonopah mining claim they could.
The city's population exploded in anticipation, but Hughes remained tightlipped about his plan.
In fact, it's still unclear whether he had a plan…
His people performed tests, identified large deposits of silver, and recommended a resumption of mining.
  • And then did absolutely nothing.
Fifty years later, the silver is just sitting there, ready to be mined.
In 2019, a single company Blackrock Silver (TSX-V BRC  | OTC BKRRF) came in and bought the largest claim package in the district, most of which have been privately owned, and never touched since production shutdown during the Great Depression due to the low metal prices of the day.
  • Their holdings are as close to a treasure map as you'll ever see in real life…and this treasure map has already led Blackrock to Bonanza grade gold and silver!
It's more than half of the second-largest silver district in Nevada, and it marks the first time these claims, with multiple large historic mines on throughout, have been consolidated and explored by one company.
And you better bet they plan on doing something big with it.
They started drilling right where mining stopped eighty years ago…
  • And the first results from just one of the historic mines added $100M to their market cap overnight.
It wasn't an outlier.
They were supposed to drill only 7,500 meters in 2020… and the results meant they just couldn't stop.
They ended up drilling 30,000 meters.
The forty holes showed world-class results in terms of grade and size.
With results like that, why stop? The company went from one rig at the start of 2020 to four today—they're planning on hitting 60,000 meters of drilling this year.
  • They're going to drill enough to turn Tonopah "into Swiss cheese".
And they're committed to delivering a full resource estimate by the end of the year.
It's an incredibly ambitious program in a place where ambition—even by a donkey—pays off big.
  • We've put all the information you need on Blackrock Silver (TSX-V BRC  | OTC BKRRF) into a special report.

When it's time for them to start mining, it could just be the Roaring 20's Take Two.
You'll want to be along for the ride.
Venture Society
PS: Tonopah is only half the company. There's a second project with just as much potential – and shareholders stand to own a spinout company on that project, for free. Get the whole story >>>HERE<<<

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