The Mystery Gift You Don't Want to Miss

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<em><em>Trading Tips</em></em>
Dear Reader,

I recently sent you a report on options (your second free bonus for joining Trading Tips).

But I also realize options might not be your thing.

So I wanted to give you a third bonus to get you in full swing.

This report is called "Understanding Stock Charts & Momentum Indicators to Maximize Your Returns."

›››› And you can download it right by clicking right here ‹‹‹‹

I've asked a lot of traders, and they all tell me they look at charts.

But when they really get into it, it's readily apparent that they're missing a lot of key factors that can make the difference between raking in a massive payday and making nothing at all.

Over the years, I've shared my expertise with various people on how to really make use of stock charts and how to really read them for max profits.

And today, I'm sharing these "insider" tidbits with you.

›››› Check out the full report right here ‹‹‹‹

I'd also like to share with you the top responses I got to the my last question: How much money would you need to make in monthly trading income to live your ideal life?

● $5,000
● $3,000
● $10,000

The answers were all over the board, but these were the top three I received.

But here's the thing…

No matter what your personal answer was…

Whether it was nothing… or $3,000… or even $10,000, we're here to help you get there.

Investing is a numbers game, and there's something for everyone.

Whether you like options… or you like to speculate in things like cryptocurrencies… or you prefer to buy-and-hold… it doesn't matter.

We're all in this together, and we here at Trading Tips are going to our best to make sure you're living the kind of life you want to.

This is going to be an exciting journey, so I hope you're ready.

I believe that in a year's time you'll be looking back on a very different life, provided you're proactive and do your part in achieving your goals.

Of course, one important step is making sure you're receiving all of our materials.

So make sure you whitelist us. We don't want you to miss even a single update.

You can find our easy instructions on whitelisting right here.

On that note, I'd like to ask you something…

I'm sure by now you realize I love asking questions.

And there's good reason for that. Not only does it help me get to know you so we can better help you along your wealth-building journey…

But it also helps me. It helps me get you the information you need the most.

So here it goes: What's ONE THING more than anything else you truly want to know about trading?

It can be anything. So don't think whatever pops into your head is silly or irrelevant.

I can tell you from experience, your "gut" answer is the best answer. Because it's what you really want to know.

And as I've done before, I'll be sure to send you the top responses to this question so you can see what others want to know as well.

Ian Cooper
Editor, Trading Tips

P.S. I forgot to mention. You can send me your answer to the question above by simply replying to this email.

And one other thing I wanted to tell you is there's a fourth - that's right a fourth free bonus I'd like to send you. It will be included in my next email so be sure to whitelist us following the instructions in the link above.

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