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Do you need trading ideas? Or compare your trades with FXStreet's contributing expert traders? These are the new positions entered by our contributors in the last 24 hours
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EUR/USD Ian Coleman M.S.T.A. SELL Limit @1.132 1.14 1.1165 More positions
USD/JPY Stoyan Mihaylov BUY Stop @111.45 110.7 112.1 More positions
GBP/USD Stoyan Mihaylov SELL Stop @1.28 1.27 More positions
USD/CHF RoboForex Team BUY MarketOrder @1.00819 1.0131 More positions
AUD/USD Swissquote Bank BUY Stop @0.708 0.7065 0.7135 More positions
USD/CAD Swissquote Bank BUY Stop @1.323 1.321 1.3275 More positions
NZD/USD Adam Lemon SELL LatentInterest @0.6871 More positions
EUR/GBP FXOpen Broker SELL Limit @0.875 0.877 0.8725 More positions
USD/TRY Swissquote Bank BUY Stop @5.268 5.242 5.296 More positions
XAU/USD Orlando Gutierrez BUY MarketOrder @1304.53 1298 1326 More positions
XAG/USD Swissquote Bank SELL Stop @15.66 15.71 15.57 More positions
WTI Swissquote Bank BUY Stop @53.6 53.25 54.6 More positions
DAX Swissquote Bank BUY Stop @11115 11040 11280 More positions
DJIA Jason Sen BUY Limit @25210 More positions
FTSE 100 Carol Harmer BUY Limit @7117 7095 7178 More positions
NASDAQ Jason Sen BUY Limit @6960 6935 More positions
SP 500 Swissquote Bank BUY Stop @2740 2723 2765 More positions

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