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Mar 06, 2019 00:33 AM
Colombia Consumer Price Index (MoM) came in at 0.57%, below expectations (0.74%) in February...
Mar 06, 2019 00:33 AM
Colombia Consumer Price Index (YoY) below forecasts (3.18%) in February: Actual (3.01%)...
Mar 06, 2019 00:30 AM
Australia Gross Domestic Product (YoY) came in at 2.3%, below expectations (2.5%) in 4Q...
Mar 06, 2019 00:30 AM
Australia Gross Domestic Product (QoQ) below expectations (0.3%) in 4Q: Actual (0.2%)...
Mar 05, 2019 21:47 PM
United States API Weekly Crude Oil Stock climbed from previous -4.2M to 7.29M in February 25...
Mar 05, 2019 21:00 PM
South Korea FX Reserves: 404.67B (February) vs previous 405.51B...
Mar 05, 2019 19:00 PM
United States Monthly Budget Statement above forecasts ($-11B) in January: Actual ($9B)...
Mar 05, 2019 15:07 PM
United States IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism (MoM) above expectations (51.2) in March: Actual (55.7)...
Mar 05, 2019 15:00 PM
United States New Home Sales (MoM) above forecasts (0.6M) in December: Actual (0.621M)...
Mar 05, 2019 15:00 PM
United States New Home Sales Change (MoM) above forecasts (-8.7%) in December: Actual (3.7%)...
Mar 05, 2019 15:00 PM
United States ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI registered at 59.7 above expectations (57.3) in February...
Mar 05, 2019 14:45 PM
United States Markit Services PMI below forecasts (56.2) in February: Actual (56)...
Mar 05, 2019 14:45 PM
United States Markit PMI Composite came in at 55.5 below forecasts (55.8) in February...
Mar 05, 2019 14:00 PM
Mexico Consumer Confidence s.a increased to 119.9 in February from previous 112...
Mar 05, 2019 14:00 PM
Mexico Consumer Confidence registered at 116.8 above expectations (111.8) in February...
Mar 05, 2019 13:55 PM
United States Redbook index (YoY) down to 4.2% in March 2 from previous 5.2%...
Mar 05, 2019 13:55 PM
United States Redbook index (MoM) fell from previous -1.4% to -1.6% in March 2...
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