Forex News 24

Forex News 24

How to Set Up Your Children for Life

Posted: 19 May 2019 03:03 PM PDT

Hits: 6

Over the last few Sundays, we've been featuring essays from our CEO, Brian Hunt, detailing the power of great dividend investments.

In today's essay, Brian writes about dividends in the context of harnessing one of the most powerful investment forces on the planet — compounding.

You see, compounding through dividend reinvestment is the ultimate way for the "little guy" to safely build wealth in the stock market.

Frankly, the content of today's essay is one of the greatest financial gifts you could ever give your children. I hope you'll make time to read it, and share its wisdom with your loved ones.


Jeff Remsburg

How Elite Businesses Allow You to Contribute Less and Make MORE
It's all about taking a superior performer — and applying the magic of compounding

By Brian Hunt, InvestorPlace CEO

Getting paid a reliable and growing dividend is a great thing. Over time, it can produce 13%+ yields on an initial investment that started out at a 5% yield.

But there's a way to make this great idea even better …

Elite, dividend-paying companies like McDonald's (NYSE:MCD) andCoca-Cola(NYSE:KO) allow you to harness the most powerful investment force on the planet.

This force is called "compounding."

Compounding occurs when you place a chunk of money into an investment that pays you a return on your money. But instead of taking the returns and spending them, you "reinvest" them … and buy more of the investment.

By doing this, your dividends earn more dividends and your interest earns more interest.

You can think of compounding returns through dividend reinvestment like rolling a snowball down a hill. As the snowball gets larger, it's able to gather more snow … which enables it to get larger … which enables it to gather more snow … which enables it to get larger … and so on.

Eventually, you build a snowball the size of a house.

Compounding is the ultimate way for the "little guy" to safely build wealth in the stock market.

Given enough time, a good compounding vehicle (like a Dividend Aristocrat) will turn tens of thousands of dollars into millions of dollars.

For example, let's say you invest $10,000 in an investment that pays a 5% dividend. Your intention is to compound over the long term.

In Year 1, a $10,000 investment paying 5% in dividends will pay you $500. You take this money and buy $500 more of the investment.

In Year 2, your investment has grown to $10,500, but still earns 5%. That year, you'll earn $525 in dividends … which you can use to buy more of the investment.

In Year 3, your investment has grown to $11,025, but still earns 5%. At the end of that year, you'll earn $551.25 in dividends … which you can use to buy more of the investment.

You can see how it works.

After 20 years of compounding, a stake of $10,000 throwing off 5% in dividends will grow to $26,533.

After 30 years, it will grow to $43,219.

After 40 years, it will grow to $70,400.

And remember, this number assumes no further money is added to the program as the years go by … or that the investment produces any capital gains.

As you can see, long-term compounding produces extraordinary effects.

It's a very important concept for young people to learn … because they have the power of TIME on their side.

The longer you can compound, the more extraordinary the results.

The following example shows just how extraordinary the results can be …

Consider two investors, Robert and Sally.

Robert opens a tax-deferred retirement account at age 26. He invests $3,000 per year in this account for 40 consecutive years. Robert stops contributing at age 65. His account grows at 9% per year.

Sally opens a tax-deferred retirement account at age 18. She invests $3,000 per year in this account for eight consecutive years. After those eight years, she makes no more contributions to her retirement account. Her account grows at 9% per year.

The results of these two approaches are below … and they are extraordinary:





Sally made just eight contributions of $3,000, for a total of $24,000 invested. Robert made 40 contributions of $3,000, for a total of $120,000 invested.

However, Sally started at 18 years of age and Robert started at 26 years of age. Sally started eight years earlier. And those eight extra years of compounding are worth more than all of Robert's 32 years of extra contributions.

Despite a much smaller total contribution, Sally ended up with more money … and a much, much bigger return on her investment.

This example shows why compounding is such a powerful idea to teach children. They have the ultimate advantage of TIME.

This piece of knowledge is one of the greatest financial gifts you could ever give your children.

In order to put your compounding plans on autopilot, consider using something called a "dividend reinvestment plan," also called a DRIP.

A dividend reinvestment plan is just what it sounds like. It's a plan that takes the dividends you earn and reinvests them into buying more stock.

Once you set up a DRIP, you don't have to do a thing. Again, think of a DRIP as a way to put your compounding plan on autopilot.

You can ask any stock broker to institute a DRIP for you. Any reputable online broker will do it for you. It's a simple process. You can find directions on your broker's website or call the customer service department.



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Top 10 problems you may need in life:

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Australian Dollar Up as Morrison Unexpectedly Triumphs in Election

Posted: 19 May 2019 02:21 PM PDT

Hits: 8


  • Australian Dollar sharply higher as Morrison holds on to power in election
  • Yen down, Kiwi Dollar up as vote outcome boosts market-wide risk appetite
  • US-China trade war, slowing economic growth might limit follow-through

The Australian Dollar traded sharply higher against its G10 FX counterparts as Prime Minister Scott Morrison unexpectedly clung to power in the country's federal election over the weekend. The incumbent leader of the Liberal/National coalition even managed to pick up 3 more seats in the legislature.

The opposition Labor party had consistently led in opinion polls ahead of the vote, albeit by a narrow margin. It had proposed an agenda of tilting tax cuts toward lower-income Australians while increasing the take from higher and more investment-leaning incomes. That was meant to fund an increase in social spending.

The anti-risk Japanese Yen edged lower while the sentiment-geared New Zealand Dollar followed its Aussie cousin upward, albeit more timidly. That seems to suggest that election outcome has extended beyond domestic markets to boost market-wide risk appetite more broadly.

In all, these moves may reflect investors' relief at not having to deal with yet another uncertainty – a new government with an ambitious agenda – at a time when economic growth is slowing and the US-China trade war rages on. These worries remain of course, which may limit scope for follow-through.

Join our weekly AUD/USD outlook webinar to discuss strategies for trading the Aussie Dollar!


— Written by Ilya Spivak, Currency Strategist for

To contact Ilya, use the comments section below or @IlyaSpivak on Twitter
2019-05-19 21:14:00

Can you get luxurious from fx trading? The reply is if you go from canadian forex, and gradual forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is circulate in forex 1 greenback canadian, netdania forex, submit overloaded plus of the forex system indicators, and account the counselling fx strategy. We present win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

Ignore The Trade War. Profit from Earnings Announcement.

Posted: 19 May 2019 01:29 PM PDT

Hits: 5

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2019-05-19 19:07:51

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Can you get moneyed from fx trading? The statement is if you go from river forex, and gentle forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is paste in forex 1 clam river, netdania forex, eff grumbling plus of the forex scheme indicators, and defect the counseling fx strategy. We module win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

Bitcoin. The bulls were quick to take profits. Bitcoin exchange rate returned to the level of 7000 USD

Posted: 19 May 2019 12:57 PM PDT

Hits: 20

No one seriously expected that Bitcoin without correction will get to 10000 USD, so the current decline is quite expected. To restart and resume growth, you need to stay in the area 7200 – 6800, which will lead to the return of new customers to the market.

Signal to buy Bitcoin (BTC):

Buyers are required to return and consolidate above 7200, that will necessarily lead to larger growth in the area of the resistance of 7600, where I recommend fixing the profits. Under a scenario of a further decline in Bitcoin, long positions are possible to return on the rebound from the low of 6800 and 6560.

Signal to sell Bitcoin (BTC):

Bears should wait for the recovery of Bitcoin in the resistance area of 7600 and sell from there, subject to the formation of a false breakdown. Sales immediately on the rebound will be more relevant in the area of the maximum of 8150. The main goal of sellers will be at least 6800, from which large buyers can declare themselves in the market.

The material has been provided by InstaForex Company –
2019-05-17 08:56:55

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Can you get moneyed from fx trading? The statement is if you go from river forex, and gentle forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is paste in forex 1 clam river, netdania forex, eff grumbling plus of the forex scheme indicators, and defect the counseling fx strategy. We module win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

272 traders with perfect track records

Posted: 19 May 2019 10:35 AM PDT

Hits: 7

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2019-05-19 17:16:05

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Can you get moneyed from fx trading? The statement is if you go from river forex, and gentle forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is paste in forex 1 clam river, netdania forex, eff grumbling plus of the forex scheme indicators, and defect the counseling fx strategy. We module win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

EUR/USD. May 17. Trading system "Regression Channels". Inflation in the European Union may cause a new fall in the euro

Posted: 19 May 2019 10:03 AM PDT

Hits: 8

4-hour timeframe

Technical data:

The upper linear regression channel: direction – down.

The lower linear regression channel: direction – sideways.

The moving average (20; smoothed) – down.

CCI: -127.3548

There were no important macroeconomic publications yesterday. However, the EUR/USD pair made another unsuccessful attempt to change the trend to an upward one, rebounded from the MA and immediately resumed its downward movement, but it could not gain a foothold below the Murray level of “-1/8” – 1.1169. Thus, the pair can start another round of correction and make another attempt to start an upward trend. Volatility on the pair remains weak, and there is no pronounced trend. The main newsmaker now remains Donald Trump. Its trade conflicts with China and the European Union attract the attention of market participants. However, at the same time, we cannot say that traders zealously work out information on these topics. Rather, these data are just interesting to market participants. Trump replaced anger at the mercy of the European automotive industry and postponed the possible introduction of duties on imports of products in this sector for 6 months. Nevertheless, it did not really help the euro Thus, we continue to insist that there is no fundamental background for the medium and long-term strengthening of the euro. This means that the euro can expect a maximum of small upward corrections, but the downward trend remains. Today, the European Union will publish an inflation report for April. The forecast is +1.7% y/y. Any value below this will help the dollar continue to rise in price.

Nearest support levels:

S1 – 1.1169

S2 – 1.1108

Nearest resistance levels:

R1 – 1.1230

R2 – 1.1292

R3 – 1.1353

Trading recommendations:

The EUR/USD currency pair resumed its downward movement and fulfilled the level of 1.1169. Thus, sell orders remain relevant to the target of 1.1108 if the pair manages to overcome the level of 1.1169.

It is recommended to consider trading for an increase in the pair with extreme caution and small lots not earlier than fixing the price above the moving average line and the level of 1.1230 with the first goal of 1.1292. The intermediate target is 1.1260.

In addition to the technical picture should also take into account the fundamental data and the time of their release.

Explanation of illustrations:

The upper linear regression channel – the blue line of the unidirectional movement.

The lower linear regression channel – the purple line of the unidirectional movement.

CCI – the blue line in the indicator window.

The moving average (20; smoothed) is the blue line on the price chart.

Murray levels – multi-colored horizontal stripes.

Heiken Ashi is an indicator that colors bars in blue or purple.

The material has been provided by InstaForex Company –
2019-05-17 08:56:57

Source link

Can you get moneyed from fx trading? The statement is if you go from river forex, and gentle forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is paste in forex 1 clam river, netdania forex, eff grumbling plus of the forex scheme indicators, and defect the counseling fx strategy. We module win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

Dollar and S&P 500 Still Within Range of Major Highs

Posted: 19 May 2019 09:21 AM PDT

Hits: 4

Check out our Economic Calendar for upcoming economic data and central bank events.Australian Forecast: Australian Dollar Targets 2009 Lows, AUD/CAD and EUR/AUD Follow?

Will the Australian Dollar sustain its aggressive selloff across the board? AUD/USD is facing 2009 lows. AUD/CAD looks to lows from 2013 and 2015 as the EUR/AUD uptrend faces resistance.

Crude Oil Forecast:Drifting Towards Technical Support

The ongoing battle between supply and demand is keeping crude oil constrained within a trading range and this is likely to remain the case for the days ahead.

US Dollar Forecast:

The US Dollar ended a remarkably strong week through this past Friday. While the move did not secure the coveted historical reference to a fresh two-year high, the rally proved an especially bright spot against the contradiction of fundamental troubles that seemed to be cast aside with the performance.

Gold Forecast:The Better Precious Metal Shows Its Mettle

Gold has continued to rally in non-US Dollar terms, and even against the price of Silver. While ultimate upside may be limited in USD terms, the environment continues to ripen for further XAU strength.

Euro Forecast:Euro Weakness to Remain the Theme

The Euro is poised to trade down to last month's low or lower in the days ahead as the Dollar looks to reassert itself, however; expect some bumps along the way.

EquityForecast:Dow Jones, DAX 30 and FTSE 100 Technical Forecast

The Dow Jones, DAX 30 and FTSE 100 faced a week filled with volatility. As fundamental themes continue to simmer, technical levels will become all the more critical.

2019-05-19 16:00:00

Can you get luxurious from fx trading? The reply is if you go from canadian forex, and gradual forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is circulate in forex 1 greenback canadian, netdania forex, submit overloaded plus of the forex system indicators, and account the counselling fx strategy. We present win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

Trade War Sentiment Fluctuates Violently, Sabotages Risk Trends

Posted: 19 May 2019 09:03 AM PDT

Hits: 4

Check out our Economic Calendar for upcoming economic data and central bank events.

AUD Forecast: Reeling Australian Dollar Still Buffetted By US-China Trade War Storm

The Australian Dollar fell further last week as the foreign and domestic negatives for it piled up. A general risk appetite bounce could help but is hard to foresee

Crude Oil Forecast: Prices to Bypass OPEC Meeting for Trade Wars, Fed Minutes

Crude oil price gains on a delay in US auto tariffs may be short-lived. Oil may fall after the OPEC+ meeting on trade war fears, the FOMC minutes and bearish-contrarian price signals

USD Forecast: US Dollar to Rise as Fed Talks Down Rate Cuts Amid Market Turmoil

The US Dollar may rise as the Federal Reserve talks down prospects for near-term stimulus even as slowing growth and shaky politics rattle global financial markets

Gold Forecast: Price Outlook Fixated on Trade War Risk, FOMC Minutes

Spot gold prices eye safe-haven bids in response to US China trade war risk, but XAUUSD could face headwinds if the May FOMC minutes due for release next week reveal a hawkish Fed.

Euro Forecast:Bracing for Volatility Ahead of EU Elections, ECB Minutes

The Euro will likely experience its most volatile week year-to-date as the ECB and Fed release their meeting minutes and the EU undergoes the most consequential vote in its history

Equities: S&P 500, DAX Fundamental Forecast

US/China continue to pressure equity markets, focus turns towards Fed Chair Powell. DAX finds relief from delay in EU auto import tariffs

Source link

Can you get prosperous from fx trading? The serve is if you go from river forex, and promiscuous forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is farm in forex 1 symbol canadian, netdania forex, buy increase vantage of the forex scheme indicators, and account the mean fx strategy. We present follow win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

GBP/USD. May 17. Trading system "Regression Channels". Theresa May can leave her post until mid-June

Posted: 19 May 2019 07:52 AM PDT

Hits: 9

4-hour timeframe

Technical data:

The upper linear regression channel: direction – down.

The lower linear regression channel: direction – down.

The moving average (20; smoothed) – down.

CCI: -115.5862

On Friday, May 17, the British pound continues its non-stop fall against the US currency. As we wrote yesterday, for the pound, this type of fall is the most dangerous since it can last for a long period of time. At this time, the pound does not even need any macroeconomic data to continue the fall. The pound is falling by inertia, simply because traders continue to get rid of it. Meanwhile, high-ranking officials of the British Parliament held a meeting with Theresa May, in which the resignation of the Prime Minister was again discussed. Theresa May has promised to agree on a date for the election of the country’s new leader in the coming weeks but it seems that she still hopes to hold her “deal” with the EU through Parliament on the fourth attempt. And if it fails again, it will remain at the helm of the country. Frankly speaking, in this situation, there are more questions to the Parliament than to Theresa May. Parliament could dismiss May at least 2 times. There were as many as 8 possible options for the country’s exit from the EU but they were all rejected by Parliamentarians. Thus, this situation shows the fragmentation of opinions in the government at such important times, the lack of unity and also the courage to change the Prime Minister, if the current Prime Minister is unable to complete the Brexit procedure.

Nearest support levels:

S1 – 1.2756

S2 – 1.2695

S3 – 1.2634

Nearest resistance levels:

R1 – 1.2817

R2 – 1.2878

R3 – 1.2939

Trading recommendations:

The pair GBP/USD continues its downward movement. Thus, short positions with targets at 1.2756 and 1.2695 are now relevant, before Heiken Ashi’s indicator turns up, which will indicate a round of upward correction.

Buy-positions are recommended to be considered only after fixing the pair above the moving average with the first targets at 1.3000 and 1.3062. However, at the moment, the bulls are extremely weak.

In addition to the technical picture should also take into account the fundamental data and the time of their release.

Explanation of illustrations:

The upper linear regression channel – the blue line of the unidirectional movement.

The lower linear regression channel – the purple line of the unidirectional movement.

CCI – the blue line in the indicator regression window.

The moving average (20; smoothed) is the blue line on the price chart.

Murray levels – multi-colored horizontal stripes.

Heiken Ashi is an indicator that colors bars in blue or purple.

The material has been provided by InstaForex Company –
2019-05-17 08:56:59

Source link

Can you get moneyed from fx trading? The statement is if you go from river forex, and gentle forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is paste in forex 1 clam river, netdania forex, eff grumbling plus of the forex scheme indicators, and defect the counseling fx strategy. We module win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

EURUSD: The fall of the euro may slow down after inflation data, but the short-term trend is on the side of sellers

Posted: 19 May 2019 05:46 AM PDT

Hits: 15

The US dollar continued to strengthen against the euro and a number of other world currencies on Thursday after the release of good fundamental statistics, indicating the growth of the economy.

According to the data, the indicator for the construction of new homes in the US rose in April. The growth is directly related to the increase in the construction of single-family homes.

The report of the Ministry of Commerce said that the number of bookmarks of new homes in April 2019 increased by 5.7% compared with the previous month and amounted to 1.235 million homes per year. There was also an increase in the number of construction permits, which increased by 0.6% compared to March to 1.296 million homes per year. Economists had expected a 5.4% increase in new home bookmarks.

Data on the labor market, though weekly, but still pleased traders.

The report of the US Department of Labor indicated that the number of initial claims for unemployment benefits for the week from May 5 to 11 was 212,000, while economists had expected that the number of applications would be 220,000.

As for the number of secondary applications, it decreased by 28,000 to 1,660,000 in the week of April 28 to May 4.

Production activity in the area of responsibility of the Philadelphia Fed grew in May, which is also a good sign for the economy. According to the data, the Fed’s business activity index-Philadelphia rose in May 2019 to 16.6 points from 8.5 points in April. The main growth was due to the supply and employment index.

The speech of the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Neel Kashkari, who does not have the right to vote on the board of the Fed, was ignored by the market. Kashkari said that monetary policy was too tight during the recovery of the US economy, so the Fed did not manage to achieve a symmetric level of inflation. In his opinion, the committee should consider lowering rates to further stimulate economic growth.

As for the technical picture of the EURUSD pair, the direction at the end of the week will depend on the data on inflation in the eurozone, the output of which is expected today in the morning. To save the bearish impulse, a return to the support level of 1.1170 is required, which will push the trading instrument even lower to the area of 1.1150 and 1.1100 lows. Considering the bullish scenario, a return and consolidation above the resistance of 1.1190 is required, which will push the euro to the highs of 1.1210 and 1.1240.

The material has been provided by InstaForex Company –
2019-05-17 08:57:00

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