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May 07, 2019 00:31 AM
Japan Nikkei Manufacturing PMI registered at 50.2 above expectations (49.5) in April...
May 06, 2019 22:31 PM
Australia AiG Performance of Construction Index fell from previous 45.6 to 42.6 in April...
May 06, 2019 21:00 PM
South Korea FX Reserves fell from previous 405.25B to 404.03B in April...
May 06, 2019 16:35 PM
After Turkey's High Election Board announced its decision to re-run the local elections in Istanbul, which was won by the opposition CHP, the TRY came...
May 06, 2019 13:00 PM
Mexico Consumer Confidence s.a: 113.7 (April) vs previous 116.3...
May 06, 2019 13:00 PM
Mexico Consumer Confidence declined to 110.9 in April from previous 112.7...
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