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May 06, 2019 07:56 AM
France Markit PMI Composite came in at 50.1, above expectations (50) in April...
May 06, 2019 07:56 AM
France Markit Services PMI in line with expectations (50.5) in April...
May 06, 2019 07:55 AM
Germany Markit Services PMI came in at 55.7, above expectations (55.6) in April...
May 06, 2019 07:55 AM
Germany Markit PMI Composite above expectations (52.1) in April: Actual (52.2)...
May 06, 2019 07:45 AM
Italy Markit Services PMI below forecasts (52) in April: Actual (50.4)...
May 06, 2019 07:15 AM
Spain Markit Services PMI below forecasts (55.4) in April: Actual (53.1)...
May 06, 2019 07:15 AM
Spain Markit Services PMI below forecasts (55.4) in April: Actual (53)...
May 06, 2019 06:56 AM
Argentina Tax Revenue (MoM) climbed from previous 327.869B to 357.36B in April...
May 06, 2019 06:45 AM
France Individual Investment (Current Year) rose from previous 10% to 11% in 2Q...
May 06, 2019 06:36 AM
United States Total Vehicle Sales below expectations (17M) in April: Actual (16.4M)...
May 06, 2019 06:08 AM
Russia Purchasing Manager Index Services declined to 52.6 in April from previous 54.4...
May 06, 2019 04:09 AM
Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (YoY) below expectations (5.18%) in 1Q: Actual (5.07%)...
May 06, 2019 04:08 AM
Indonesia Gross Domestic Product (QoQ) came in at -0.52% below forecasts (-0.4%) in 1Q...
May 06, 2019 01:46 AM
China Caixin Services PMI came in at 54.5, above forecasts (52.8) in April...
May 06, 2019 01:32 AM
Australia ANZ Job Advertisements rose from previous -1.7% to -0.1% in April...
May 06, 2019 01:02 AM
New Zealand ANZ Commodity Price rose from previous 1.4% to 2.5%...
May 06, 2019 01:01 AM
Australia TD Securities Inflation (MoM): 0.2% (April) vs previous 0.4%...
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