Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Jul 24, 2019 19:33 PM
The AUD/USD pair extended its bearish route to reach a fresh one-week low of 0.6972, ending the day not far above the level. The Aussie fell througho...
Jul 24, 2019 19:31 PM
The USD/JPY pair has lost some ground this Wednesday but managed to end the day unchanged in the 108.20 price zone. The pair fell to 107.93 following...
Jul 24, 2019 19:30 PM
The GBP/USD pair has reached an intraday high of 1.2521 to settle later around 1.2480, up for the day. The Sterling's advance had little to do with e...
Jul 24, 2019 19:28 PM
The common currency neared the year low against its American rival, partially respecting the dominant bearish trend and in part due to discouraging E...
Jul 24, 2019 13:09 PM
The EUR/USD pair has fallen this Wednesday to 1.1126, bouncing just modestly from near the yearly low at 1.1106. The American currency retained its p...
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