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Sep 11, 2019 00:50 AM
Australia Westpac Consumer Confidence fell from previous 3.6% to -1.7% in September...
Sep 10, 2019 23:51 PM
Japan BSI Large Manufacturing Conditions Index (QoQ) up to -0.2 in 3Q from previous -10.4...
Sep 10, 2019 23:00 PM
South Korea Unemployment Rate fell from previous 4% to 3.1% in August...
Sep 10, 2019 22:45 PM
New Zealand Visitor Arrivals (YoY) climbed from previous 0.6% to 2% in July...
Sep 10, 2019 20:37 PM
United States API Weekly Crude Oil Stock fell from previous 0.401M to -7.2M in September 6...
Sep 10, 2019 19:58 PM
Here is what you need to know on Wednesday, September 11th: Dull trading continued among majors, amid the absence of first-tier data and the wait-and-...
Sep 10, 2019 17:07 PM
United States 3-Year Note Auction increased to 1.573% from previous 1.562%...
Sep 10, 2019 15:36 PM
United States 52-Week Bill Auction dipped from previous 1.8% to 1.74%...
Sep 10, 2019 14:00 PM
United States JOLTS Job Openings registered at 7.217M, below expectations (7.311M) in July...
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