Thank YOU [tonight's 8 pm update]

Palm Beach Research Group

Dear Reader,

Today is the day!

You have joined the tens of thousands of people who have registered for tonight's unprecedented New York City event...

If you haven't registered for VIP access yet, I encourage you to do so immediately... Because what you're about to see tonight could change your life... and no matter your age, or where you're starting from, it could put you on the path to becoming a multi-millionaire...

Here's a preview of what you can expect...

As you know, I was a partner and the head of equity derivatives North America at Cantor Fitzgerald — one of America's most prestigious financial firms. I was also a senior vice president at Jefferies investment banking group.

Tonight I'm hosting a free investment event that brokers and financial advisors are praying you'll never see...

It's called: The World's First Unbeatable Stock-Picking System: How to make more money, with more certainty than almost any other investment you've tried before.

And it airs at 8 pm ET...

This masterclass is completely different from anything you have ever seen or heard before...

It details the unique stock-picking formula my partner Luke and I spent almost a decade and a quarter or a million dollars developing on Wall Street to help us identify tomorrow's biggest stock-market winners, today.

According to an in-depth study by a team of Ivy League researchers and quantitative analysts from Cornell and Columbia, over three decades our system was proven to:

  • Identify the #1 stock on the S&P 500 almost every year — in advance... including the past six in a row...
  • Pinpoint more than 968 opportunities that could have made you between 10-to-1 and 70-to-1 on your money...
  • Beat the market and the world's best investors, including Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn, and the world's most successful hedge fund manager, Ray Dalio, by more than 500 to 1...
  • And it could have turned $1,000 invested into more than $19.7 million...

Ultimately, I believe it's a way to take the luck and guesswork out of investing... and it could make you more money, with more certainty, than any other investment idea you may have tried in your life...

Too good to be true?

I don't expect you to believe anything just yet.

Instead, all I ask is that you register for VIP access and join me and my partner Luke, plus a panel of outside experts, for the exclusive New York City event we're broadcasting tonight at 8 pm ET, so you can see the undeniable proof for yourself.

In this free masterclass, I'm going to demonstrate my breakthrough investment formula for finding these stocks in their early stages, weeks and months before anyone else pays attention to them...

This free masterclass is not available anywhere else on the web. You currently cannot buy access to it at any price.

However, tonight only, you have free access...

If you haven't watched the training videos yet, here's why you want to check them out immediately...

  • In Video #1, you'll discover Wall Street's Greatest Wealth Secret. (Not knowing this has cost me untold fortunes, and I bet it's doing the same to you.)
  • In Video #2, you'll see the greatest lie the investment experts ever told... and the secret I discovered while watching Sports Center that can lead you to "predictably high rates of return."
  • In Video #3, I answer some of YOUR questions... The tough questions people have sent me so far, and I show you why what I have to share with you tonight at 8 pm may be "the biggest opportunity in today's market that almost no one is paying attention to" — even though the most elite investors in the world do this!
  • And in the extended webinar training session tonight, Luke and I will reveal our breakthrough investment system in full... show you how to use it to find the next Starbucks, the next Apple, the next Walmart... and share the names of five #1 stocks identified by the system, so you can see the proof for yourself that this system works better than anything you have ever tried before...

If you ask me, it's worth attending just for the live on-camera demonstration...

In short, we're going to identify the #1 stocks pinpointed as "buys" by our system in 5 of the hottest sectors today...

You'll get the names of our #1 5G Stock... The #1 Tech Stock... The #1 Gold Stock... #1 Cryptocurrency investment... And the #1 Cannabis Stock... for FREE, right on the call.

But that's only the beginning of what you'll see in tonight's free training!

It's an event that could ultimately change your life, and I want to make sure you don't miss a minute.

Simply click here now to upgrade your status to our free VIP program for tonight's New York City event... and you'll get access to exclusive VIP-only bonus training material. (This material is not available anywhere else, at any price. And it all goes offline at 5 pm ET tonight.)

So please click here to upgrade to VIP, while there's still time — and make sure you don't miss out.

See you tonight. I can't wait to share this with you.


Jason Bodner,
Editor, Palm Beach Research Group

P.S. If you want to view the training videos listed above before the main event tonight, you have to hurry, because they will be pulled offline at around 5 pm ET today so they can host the event on the website. Click here to register for VIP access immediately.

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