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Dec 06, 2019 07:45 AM
France Imports, EUR down to €43.005B in October from previous €47.28B...
Dec 06, 2019 07:45 AM
France Current Account up to €-2.4B in October from previous €-2.7B...
Dec 06, 2019 07:45 AM
France Trade Balance EUR above expectations (€-4.8B) in October: Actual (€-4.73B)...
Dec 06, 2019 07:45 AM
France Exports, EUR increased to €47.735B in October from previous €41.73B...
Dec 06, 2019 07:00 AM
Germany Industrial Production s.a. (MoM) came in at -1.7% below forecasts (0.1%) in October...
Dec 06, 2019 07:00 AM
Norway Manufacturing Output came in at 0% below forecasts (0.1%) in October...
Dec 06, 2019 07:00 AM
Denmark Industrial Production (MoM) fell from previous 1.5% to -0.6% in October...
Dec 06, 2019 06:02 AM
South Africa Gross $Gold & Forex Reserve rose from previous $54.529B to $54.893B in November...
Dec 06, 2019 06:01 AM
South Africa Net $Gold & Forex Reserve down to $44.415B in November from previous $44.606B...
Dec 06, 2019 05:37 AM
The countries that make up the OPEC oil-producing cartel have been talking into the night where deep cuts to production have been proposed, a solution...
Dec 06, 2019 05:09 AM
Colombia Consumer Price Index (MoM) below expectations (0.17%) in November: Actual (0.1%)...
Dec 06, 2019 05:09 AM
Colombia Consumer Price Index (YoY) below expectations (3.91%) in November: Actual (3.84%)...
Dec 06, 2019 05:06 AM
Japan Coincident Index below expectations (101.5) in October: Actual (94.8)...
Dec 06, 2019 05:05 AM
Japan Leading Economic Index below forecasts (92) in October: Actual (91.8)...
Dec 06, 2019 04:48 AM
USD/INR is bleeding from a high of 71.6550 to a low of 71.2050 on the day so far, -0.34% at the time of writing. The main focus had been on the Reserve ......
Dec 06, 2019 04:16 AM
Gold prices again step back from 200-bar Simple Moving Average (SMA) while declining to $1,475.60 ahead of Friday's European session....
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