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Dec 05, 2019 23:51 PM
Japan JP Foreign Reserves down to $1317.3B in November from previous $1324.5B...
Dec 05, 2019 23:31 PM
Japan Labor Cash Earnings (YoY) below forecasts (1.1%) in October: Actual (0.5%)...
Dec 05, 2019 23:30 PM
Japan Overall Household Spending (YoY) came in at -5.1%, below expectations (-3%) in October...
Dec 05, 2019 21:48 PM
Australia AiG Performance of Construction Index declined to 40 in November from previous 43.9...
Dec 05, 2019 20:33 PM
Here is what you need to know Friday, November 6th: US data came in slightly better than expected, but the dollar remained unattractive, as the market...
Dec 05, 2019 20:33 PM
USD/INR is bleeding from a high of 71.6550 to a low of 71.2050 on the day so far, -0.34% at the time of writing. The main focus had been on the Reserv...
Dec 05, 2019 19:43 PM
Gold kicked off December with a bullish reversal to the 1480 resistance. Just above the level the 50 and 100-day simple moving averages (SMAs) are als...
Dec 05, 2019 16:36 PM
United States 4-Week Bill Auction dipped from previous 1.62% to 1.5%...
Dec 05, 2019 15:30 PM
United States EIA Natural Gas Storage Change above forecasts (-22B) in November 29: Actual (-19B)...
Dec 05, 2019 15:08 PM
Recent US economic indicators have been downbeat, but they include silver linings and are backed by robust consumption......
Dec 05, 2019 15:00 PM
United States Factory Orders (MoM) meets expectations (0.3%) in October...
Dec 05, 2019 15:00 PM
Canada Ivey Purchasing Managers Index s.a came in at 60, above forecasts (53.8) in November...
Dec 05, 2019 15:00 PM
Canada Ivey Purchasing Managers Index rose from previous 51.8 to 58.4 in November...
Dec 05, 2019 13:31 PM
Canada Exports above forecasts ($49.3B) in October: Actual ($49.91B)...
Dec 05, 2019 13:30 PM
United States Trade Balance came in at $-47.2B, above forecasts ($-48.7B) in October...
Dec 05, 2019 13:30 PM
United States Continuing Jobless Claims registered at 1.693M above expectations (1.65M) in November 22...
Dec 05, 2019 13:30 PM
Canada International Merchandise Trade above expectations ($-1.37B) in October: Actual ($-1.08B)...
Dec 05, 2019 13:30 PM
United States Initial Jobless Claims came in at 203K, below expectations (215K) in November 29...
Dec 05, 2019 13:30 PM
Canada Imports came in at $50.99B, above expectations ($50.35B) in October...
Dec 05, 2019 13:30 PM
United States Initial Jobless Claims 4-week average above expectations (217.544K) in November 29: Actual (217.75K)...
Dec 05, 2019 13:00 PM
Russia Central Bank Reserves $ fell from previous $542.7B to $542.2B...
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