Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Dec 05, 2019 20:03 PM
The AUD/USD pair edged lower this Thursday, but remained within familiar levels and not far from its weekly high. Australian data released at the beg...
Dec 05, 2019 20:01 PM
The USD/JPY pair flirted with the 109.00 level at the beginning of the day, but gave up in US trading hours, ending the day in the red in the 108.70 ...
Dec 05, 2019 19:59 PM
The GBP/USD pair has extended its advance, trading a couple of pips below its May monthly high at 1.3176. The Sterling rallied on news indicating tha...
Dec 05, 2019 19:57 PM
The EUR/USD pair has posted a modest advance for a third consecutive day, although it continues trading in a well-limited intraday range around the 1...
Dec 05, 2019 14:52 PM
The US economy will unveil its latest employment figures this Friday, and the country is expected to have added 180K new jobs in November, quite a num...
Dec 05, 2019 13:55 PM
Dismal EU data didn't help much the EUR/USD pair, but persistent dollar's weakness keeps it afloat just below the 1.1100 figure. Speculative interest...
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