Guess how much Larry made

Dear Reader,

I have good and bad news for you...

First, the good:

Larry Benedict is every bit the incredible moneymaker that we thought he was. This past Wednesday, he proved it to the world... as he traded for charity.

If you haven't seen the video yet, click here now. (We're taking it down in a couple of days.) I think you'll be impressed by what Larry was able to do.

What's more, he had a regular guy test his ideas for 3 months.

This gentleman, Brian Hronsky, had little experience trading.

His results? Equally surprising. I won't ruin it for you here. See for yourself.

This is great news... because it means Larry's system is as foolproof and easy to use as he claims.

The bad news? We will be closing the doors to Larry Benedict's new service, The Opportunistic Trader, in just a couple days.

To catch the replay, click here while there's still time.


Fernando Cruz
Host, America's First Trade-a-Thon

P.S. If you claim your charter membership before Tuesday, you'll save $1,500. Make sure you activate before MIDNIGHT on Tuesday to get the best price.

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