How spending $49 can actually save you money

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The Motley Fool

Dear Investor,

There was a time when you needed to visit a travel agent to book a vacation.

A teller to get money out of the bank.

And you had no choice but to go through an expensive broker just to invest.

Amazingly, millions of people today still pay extreme fees to these unnecessary brokerage middlemen without knowing it. These professionals have proven, too often, that they do not act in your best interest, do not earn better returns, yet don't mind at all being paid for that underperformance.

You deserve better than this.

You can make decisions that are best for you. You can beat the market and accumulate lasting wealth. And you can avoid the fees that will eat away at your hard-earned money.

Fees that will amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars in your lifetime. Your savings in someone else's pocket — rather than in your college funds, beach house, family trip around the world, or philanthropic gifts.

Our mission at The Motley Fool is to help you invest — better. We've been helping tens of millions of people like you do exactly that over the past 21 years. With Stock Advisor, we scour the market and point you to the companies that could bring life-changing wealth to individual investors.

We can get you and your family headed in the right direction, forever.

Click here to join Stock Advisor today, and save $300.

With a full membership fee-back guarantee.

Take charge of your financial life, transparently and conveniently online.

Your permanent financial independence awaits...

Tom Gardner
Tom Gardner
CEO and Co-Founder
The Motley Fool

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