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Latest content from Richard Perry
Dec 05, 2019 13:31 PM
You would have thought that after over three years of a Donald Trump presidency, financial markets would be rather more desensitized to trading his he...
Dec 05, 2019 13:20 PM
The failure to close a breakout above $1480 will come as a considerable disappointment for the gold bulls. We have long been talking about all the old...
Dec 05, 2019 13:14 PM
Calling decisive direction on Dollar/Yen has proved to be a thankless task in recent weeks. We have seen that the market has been broadly flat over th...
Dec 05, 2019 13:09 PM
A breakout of the range between $1.2765/$1.3010 was unexpected, and given the magnitude of the bull move, reflects a market taking a view. Opinion pol...
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