We made history on Wednesday

Dear Reader,

On Wednesday night, you had the opportunity to witness a significant moment in financial history.

For the first time to our knowledge, a real-life Market Wizard came forward and spilled all of his trade secrets.

Only several dozen people in the entire world hold the title of Market Wizard. All of them are extremely wealthy. Several are billionaires.

The Market Wizard I'm referencing is a gentleman named Larry Benedict:

  • He was named by Barron's as a top 1% hedge fund manager 3 separate times
  • He generated $274 million in bottom line profit over an 8-year period
  • He was featured in the famous book series Market Wizards, right after the chapter on billionaire Ray Dalio.

This past Wednesday night, Larry accepted an unusual challenge. We wanted to see if he could generate $70,000 or more in a single trading day.

If he won, he'd give all profits to charity. If he lost, well... we agreed to show that as well.

Care to see how Larry did? Click here to watch the replay.

Be sure to pay careful attention as Larry explains his 4-part method for finding big, winning trades. He reveals everything he does.

You'll also see:

  • A real demo of an investment secret that was kept private for 30 years among some of the world's wealthiest families. If he doesn't get it right, Larry could lose money.
  • A regular guy, a 35-year old father who tried Larry's technique with his own money. (I think you'll be surprised by his results.)
  • The 4 days of the year that are the very, very best for making money...
  • And much, much more.

Just click here for the full replay, while it's still online — which, by the way, won't be for long.


Fernando Cruz
Host, America's First Trade-a-Thon

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