The most important concept in forex


Dear Trading Icons Reader,

Imre Gams here with the next in our weekly series of forex videos. Click right here to check it out.

There’s a lot to cover in today’s video. But the most important thing (at 10:28) is a concept that’s integral to the currency trading world.

It’s what allows currency traders to make such massive profits… on fairly small moves. And it’s the concept that lead Mr. K to booking profits in the hundreds of millions of dollars… and managing billions.

For our forecasts, we’ll first take a look at the USD/CAD trading pair, which boasts a potentially lucrative technical setup right now. From what Mr. K and I see, this is an important trade to watch in the coming week.

We’ll also look at crude oil, a massively important international commodity, and how it’s reacted to the more risk-off environment we’re suddenly in. Then, it’s back to the bitcoin chart… which, in our view, is set up for continued upside into its recent bullish breakout.  

Just click right here or the image below to watch this week’s video.



P.S. If this is your first time seeing these videos, scroll down to get the full story. And access the previous videos in this series below…

Previous videos:

Forex Training Session 1: 12/22/19

Forex Training Session 2: 12/29/19

Forex Training Session 3: 1/5/20

Forex Training Session 4: 1/12/20

Forex Training Session 5: 1/19/20

Imre and "Mr. K" are in the rotation now...

Today we have something unusual to share with you...

Imre Gams

"Mr. K."

We have a new trader to introduce you to. His name is Imre Gams.

But here’s what’s unusual… Imre is not alone.

He’s the apprentice of a silent figure, “Mr. K”.

“Mr. K” has been called many things...

  • “A cowboy”...
  • “A big swinging D***”...
  • “The most aggressive trader in history"...
  • And much more...


One of his trades is often called one of the top 3 trades of ALL time... Netting him a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars.

In short... “Mr. K” has a perspective on the markets unlike anyone you’ve heard from before.

(His legend is so big that he's even rumored to be the creator of Bitcoin.)

Now, “Mr. K” hasn't spoken publicly in decades. But, through a twist of fate, he's taken Imre on as an apprentice.

So, while we can’t reveal “Mr. K’s” real name... You will get his investing insights.

So, what will that look like?

Each Sunday, Imre will post a short trading video covering the investing setups he and “Mr. K” see in the week ahead.

They’ll reveal what really moves money around the globe…

Global macroeconomic events. Foreign exchange money flows. Commodity news.

In short... You’ll get their insight on big events presenting BIG opportunities.

The best part? You'll get it for free.

I wish we could reveal more... But this IS a perspective you won’t get anywhere else... Unless you pay $20,000 a month.

As to why “Mr. K” has finally decided to “come out of hiding”... We’ll save that for another day.

Stay tuned…


Mike Merson
Managing Editor, Trading Icons

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