We’re all socialists now!

Bill Bonner’s Diary

We're All Socialists Now!

By Bill Bonner, Chairman, Bonner & Partners

“Our economy is the greatest it has ever been.”

– Donald Trump, January 20, 2020

“Bloomberg Economics sees global growth slowing to 1.5% year on year.”

– Bloomberg, February 9, 2020

“There is no systemic risk. No one is even talking about that.”

– Goldman Sachs conference call, mid-March, reported by Marc Faber

Bill Bonner

SAN MARTIN, ARGENTINA – The initial jobless claims are the worst-ever recorded in America.

Bloomberg: U.S. Jobless Claims Soar to Once-Unthinkable Record 6.6 Million

The figure topped all analyst estimates and compared with a median projection of 3.76 million.

Putting that 6.6 million number in perspective… this is 10 times the previous all-time high, set back in 1982. And putting that in perspective is this from Alex Danco:

This is closer to real Black Swan stuff. This week’s unemployment filings, compared to the last half-century, are considered by frequentist statistics as a 30-sigma event: less likely to happen than if you had to select one atomic particle at random out of every particle in the universe, and then randomly again select that same particle five times in a row.

A 30-sigma event should be outrageously unlikely, at universe-scale. But they happen. And when they do, they warn us: the problem is not that the universe didn’t behave correctly. The problem is that we were wrong.

We watched the tape. The U.S. economy is in freefall. Stock market dip-buyers should be running scared.

But wait… No! Bad news is good news… up is down… dumb is smart. They bid up the Dow more than 400 points.

Big & Bold Spending Scheme

Go figure. The worst economic news ever received… and the stock market goes up? Have investors completely lost their minds?

Well… yes… and no.

The other big news was that the federales are on the move. Far from letting the crisis go to waste, they are making it far, far worse. The deadly coronavirus molecule has little to do with it.

Why a series of small stocks could soar 10x or more during this next phase of the 5G boom.

Hardly had Donald Trump passed out the pens – souvenirs of one the most reckless, foolhardy, and downright asinine pieces legislation of all time…

… a $2.2 trillion boondoggle designed to get Democrats and Republicans re-elected…

… then the numbskulls came out with yet another $2 trillion scheme. Nancy Pelosi was on the case. RealClearPolitics reports:

House Democrats want to enact a massive infrastructure package upgrading the nation’s broadband, road and water systems, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday, in the next installment of Congress’ effort to help the country weather the destructive blows inflicted by the coronavirus outbreak.

Donald Trump was right there with her:

With interest rates for the United States being at ZERO, this is the time to do our decades long awaited Infrastructure Bill. It should be VERY BIG & BOLD, Two Trillion Dollars, and be focused solely on jobs and rebuilding the once great infrastructure of our Country! Phase 4.

Yes, Democrats and Republicans have gotten together… Trump and Pelosi… the fools and the knaves… and they’ve agreed to put an end to the way America does business.

5G's Secret Engine Revealed in 2020.

No more give and take… no more win-win… no more getting and spending. No more honest prices. No more free markets.

Now, the feds are in charge. The government will soon be spending over half GDP. And they’ll destroy the rest in good time.

How? The old-fashioned way… a stark-naked, third world-ish, sh*thole country, money-printing lollapalooza.

We’re All Socialists Now

Yes, Dear Reader…

The MMT-ers… the big spenders… the dreamers and schemers… the Hillarys, the Sanders, the Big Government lovers… all the jackasses in the D.C. metropolitan area – lobbyists, cronies, policy wonks.

They all have their pulses revved up, their mouths slobbering… and their illusions in Full Retard mode… because…

… We’re all socialists now!

“What with the war an’ all… y’know? You know… that virus thing…”

Did an Uber driver miss a car payment? The feds will make it for him.

Does Boeing need a little cash to tide it over during this rough patch? C’mon over.

Is a city in trouble since it failed to lay aside enough money to pay its pensions? No problem; the feds will set up a fund.

Every heart will beat with hope and hallucination. Every soul will soar on free-money fantasies. And even hard-boiled cynics are bluffed and bullied in the panic.

It’s all fake money, of course. What else do the feds have?

But fake money is good enough for investors. They calculate, perhaps correctly, that a lot of it will end up in the stock market.

Dow 50,000! A cup of coffee $25!

More to come…




P.S. What’s next? What changes are coming… to our government… our society… our economy? And what should you do with your money NOW?

Along with colleagues Dan Denning and Tom Dyson, we set out to answer those questions. We put together a full report – After Armageddon – along with a Crisis Portfolio to guide you through these dangerous times. Don’t miss it. Learn more here.

Like what you’re reading? Send your thoughts to feedback@bonnerandpartners.com.



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Mixed opinions today on the coronavirus pandemic and Bill’s take on the situation...

I'm in Alaska and my wife and I are hunkered down during the zombie apocalypse. I have the same feeling that this is way over blown. My wife, Susan, has a saying, "Follow the money."

She believes that this is way over blown for some nefarious reason, like trying to knock down our government debt. I'm more of the mindset that this has taken on the mob mentality, fueled by the media frenzy and stupid people. Hard telling not knowing. Please keep the letters coming.

– Kevin K.

You are not being helpful at all with your repetition of what you perceive that young people are saying.

“You can't put a price on life,” say the talking heads. But young people are beginning to wonder: Is it really worth locking up a million of us so that one sick old man lives a few years more?

Please arm yourself with the facts so that any young people who read your letter might be educated. The latest fact is that it is now being discovered that many young people, as well as middle aged people, are being infected with this virus.

It is hard for me to understand why you would publish the perceived musings of young people when it is not necessarily accurate and certainly not helpful in this effort to slow the rates of infection of this virus. Are you trying to further incite rebellion among those whose feel that this is not their problem?

Whatever is your motive, do you not realize that this attitude will result in more heavy-handed actions from governments to enforce their policies? Please think prior to writing. Surely you are better than this.

– Robert D.

The status quo running the economic show will stop at nothing to keep the current system afloat for as long as possible so the collapse happens on someone else's watch. This reality should strike fear into the hearts and minds of people, causing them to resist the trillions of stimulus dollars.

With so few people having so few savings and reserves, they have no ability to foresee what these reckless fiscal policies will generate. Instead, we have the anglers working overtime to secure as much bounty as possible from the public treasury.

One can talk about gold as a store of value, but try and use it at a grocery store, or as payment for utility bills or property taxes. Who will buy the bullion or collectible coins if times grow more desperate, and at what drastically discounted price in an exchange for U.S. dollars?

– FG V.

Is the coronavirus story overblown, as Kevin still believes? Should we resist the stimulus money, as FG says? Write us at feedback@bonnerandpartners.com.


5G’s Secret Engine Revealed in 2020

5G stocks have historically seen extraordinary gains.

As high as 11,567% and 9,050%…

Now, Apple is entering the market.

The tech giant is expected to release its first 5G-enabled iPhone on or around Sept. 22.

And every one of them has a critical device inside.

One company that makes this device could see its stock soar.

In fact, one expert believes it could be the No. 1 Tech Stock of 2020.


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