Your Invoice: $69,777 Now Due

The destructive impact of the coronavirus has all but frozen commercial activity across the nation.

Did that get your attention?

It should because one day you could very well receive a bill just like this from Uncle Sam himself. 

And the reason why is going to infuriate you...

The simple truth is America is essentially bankrupt.

What else can you possibly call it if you are more than $25 TRILLION in debt, with absolutely no clue as to how to pay it back?

Believe it or not...

You won’t hear about this from mainstream media

This isn’t a republican vs democrat issue

And this isn’t Trump’s fault

This is deception on a monumental scale.

The harsh reality is...

The government is now more than $25,000,000,000 (that’s $25 TRILLION) in debt.

And that number is expected to explode to over $30,000,000,000 in less than 4 years.

There are only 2 ways this can end, and they both are TERRIBLE for you.

1. The government prints money to pay down that debt.

As soon as that happens, it renders your dollars practically worthless. Think $4 a gallon gas is insane? How will you feel when it jumps to $20 or more?

2. The government borrows your money to pay down that debt.

The government reaches their greedy little hands into your bank and retirement accounts to “borrow” enough money to pay down that debt.

And if they were to do that, it would cost every American man, woman and child $69,777 if they were to do it today, and more than $90,000 if they were to do it 4 years from now.

Both of these scenarios are likely, and both have already happened before.

It doesn’t even matter which option the government were to choose.


If you have $100,000 or more in your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified
retirement account, you can now use a little known IRS Loophole to
diversify & protect your retirement accounts with gold & silver
completely tax free.

I’ve created this FREE GUIDE to help you diversify your funds into hard assets.
All you have to do is request a copy of my FREE GUIDE which explains the 3 easy steps, here.

It won’t cost you a cent. I’ll even cover the shipping costs.
P.S. IRA/401(k) managers & financial advisors could be robbing you right now because of this law.

Grab this guide to protect your family before it’s too late.








Copyright 2020 Boonmitr Building BANG RAK– 10500 THAILAND

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