Follow Your Nose: Weird Data Can Often Be the Most Predictive

My daughter loves Fruit Loops. And I can't blame her either – I loved the commercials as a kid. They were always clever and well written…

Market Phenomenon Revealed!


Josh Martinez has found a new trade secret that has the potential to pay out up to $3,852 every week…

He's about to reveal a market phenomenon that nobody has ever heard of before… He's calling it the "Money Magnet" effect.

It attracts hot stocks, and could even predict down to the penny where a stock is headed next!

And you could use it to make $1,056… $1,913… even $3,852 every week.

Follow Your Nose:

Weird Data Can Often Be the

Most Predictive


My daughter loves Fruit Loops.

And I can't blame her either – I loved the commercials as a kid. They were always clever and well written… and with a catch phrase so good, it's been in use for 50 years.

Now, in the commercials, "follow your nose!" is basically a MacGuffin that lures our children toward a sugary snack. But for researchers like me, it's actually pretty solid professional advice, because it also means to trust one's instincts… or to track down information in a logically progressive fashion.

And somewhat ironically, while my daughter was devouring her third bowl yesterday (!!!), a text from a friend encouraged me to sniff out some data on Google Trends...

All the best,

Venture Society



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