[ Shock Video ] Fed to permanently alter dollar bill?

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Editor's  Note: At Daily Catch, we're always looking out for special  opportunities we believe you, as a valued reader, will want to see.  Below is a message from our colleagues that we think you should check  out.

Dear Reader,

Since stocks crashed in March…

The Federal Reserve has done everything it can to prop up the markets.

They've shed their 'neutral third-party' persona first, when they bought directly into ETFs.

Then, they added corporate bonds to their portfolio.

Soon, I expect they'll go 'all the way' and buy stocks on the open market.

But all those acts pale in comparison to their bigger plan.

You  see, while the media stirred up hysteria in the early stages of the  pandemic, Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues in Washington, D.C. proposed a  new law that would hand control of every single dollar you have…

Directly to the Federal Reserve.

What does this mean for you?

In  short, Nancy Pelosi is pushing for the most dangerous reform I've ever  seen of the American financial system.

If she succeeds, it won't just be your money that changes… it'll hand big-government bureaucrats the keys to control every part of your life.

I consider this situation as urgent as anything I've ever seen…

That's why…

Despite  a poor internet connection at my remote location in rural Argentina,  I've rushed to record a video to get this critical research into the  hands of as many

Americans as possible, as quickly as possible.

For right now, you can go here to see the raw footage.
But before you click, be forewarned…

Many will consider this message highly controversial… and it's not at all what you'll hear from the legacy media.

Go here to see why.

Nick Giambruno
Chief Analyst, Casey Research


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