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Timed Stocks Summit

Congratulations Future Timed Stock Insider,

You’ve just made one of the best decisions of your life…by reserving your spot at Jeff Brown’s Timed Stocks: Accelerated.

You’ve now put yourself in the perfect position to profit off a rare type of stock…

One with a preset “timer” that signals the exact moment its share price can spike a historical (and extraordinary) 23,200%... in one day.

“Timed Stocks”.

The same type of stock that, as we speak, is accelerating in every way possible.

The gains are getting bigger. From 23,200%, to 84,900%.

They’re coming faster than ever before. (That 84,900% gain? It happened in ONE day.)

And they’re happening more often than ever before. 179, so far since December. With dozens more expected in the days and weeks ahead.

Of course, gains like this are NOT normal. And NOT to be expected.

But it’s all happening thanks to two seemingly unrelated forces, that have come together… and put Timed Stocks into their first ever acceleration phase.

And on Wednesday, July 15, at 8 pm ET, Jeff Brown… the world’s foremost expert on Timed Stocks… will show YOU how to profit off it.

Who is Jeff Brown and how did he become an expert on Timed Stocks?

Some call Jeff America’s #1 angel investor.

He was one of the first to invest in Via. The “Uber killer.”

It hit $2.25 billion near the peak of the coronavirus.

He was one of the first to invest in Coinbase. Yes, the most popular crypto trading platform, Coinbase.

It’s worth $8 billion now.

He was one of the first to invest in Ripple Labs. Yes, the creator of the cryptocurrency, Ripple.

It cracked $10 billion around the time the coronavirus hit.

And he’s invested in dozens more startups just as big – and just as profitable.

He was also an executive at industry giants like Qualcomm, Juniper Networks, and NXP Semiconductors, helping create $15 billion in new wealth.

He has studied at more universities than you can count. Including Purdue, Stanford, MIT and the London Business School.

And, most importantly…

Jeff is the world’s foremost expert on Timed Stocks.

Jeff has tracked – through a decade of multivariate backtests -- hundreds of Timed Stocks in the recent years.

100% of which have soared 931%... 1,313%... 1,526%... or MORE…

Starting the exact moment – down to the second – that their timer hit zero.

Members of his Timed Stocks research service have reported making “$74,300 before breakfast”… a “432% gain in just six weeks”… and one actually almost fell out of his chair when he checked his retirement account… because he’s never done so well in a day.

The investment results described in these testimonials are not typical; investing in securities carries a high degree of risk; you may lose some or all of the investment.

And now, he expects everyone who attends Timed Stocks: Accelerated will have that same reaction.

Whether they join his Timed Stocks research service or not.

Because, according to Jeff, we’re about to see even bigger gains. Happening faster. And much more often.

All thanks to the Timed Stocks Acceleration Period almost nobody knows about.

179 Timed Stocks have soared so far since the acceleration phase began in December.

(In fact, you can get the Get The Full List Of 179 Timed Stocks That Have Soared So Far FREE, by going here.)

The peak gain was 84,900%. Enough to turn $5,000 into over $4.2 million.

Yes, while investors were dealing with the COVID crash, you could’ve made over $4.2 million. Not in months. Or weeks. But a single day.

Why are Timed Stocks accelerating?

How long will this acceleration phase last?

And what’s the perfect way for you to profit from it — today… so you can be $142,000 richer in the coming weeks?

On July 15, at 8 pm ET, during Timed Stocks: Accelerated, Jeff Brown, the world’s foremost expert on Timed Stocks, will give you the answers.

He’ll also tell you how to instantly identify a Timed Stock from a regular one – right from your online brokerage account…

He’ll share his secret for picking Timed Stocks weeks, if not months before their timers hit zero… with a backtested 100% accuracy…

Plus, he’ll reveal the perfect way to make $142,000 from this Timed Stocks acceleration period… including revealing details on his #1 accelerated Timed Stock, set to spike on July 30, at 8:30 am.

This is so important we’ve put together an entire event site where you can learn more about Jeff and what makes him the world’s foremost expert on Timed Stocks.

Plus, we have 5 exclusive Timed Stock training videos that will be released as we move closer to the event.

Each of these videos will share with you information that 99.99% of investors don’t know about.

You’ll definitely want to watch each one.


I know you’re not going to want to miss out on any part of this training and event so read the rest of this email very carefully. 

There are two things you should do right now to prepare for Jeff Brown’s Timed Stocks: Accelerated.

First: Mark your calendar for Wednesday, July 15, 8 pm ET on your calendar. Because that’s when Jeff Brown’s Timed Stocks: Accelerated begins at

We expect a massive turn out, so please show up AT LEAST 15 MINUTES EARLY to avoid technical issues.

Because, believe me, you will not want to miss a single thing Jeff shares. And this Timed Stocks Acceleration Phase will NOT last for long.

Second: Join the VIP list right away.

Because, as a VIP, you’ll get urgent Timed Stock Summit updates and alerts sent straight on your phone.

Most importantly, when you become a VIP, you’ll get to tell Jeff what you want him to cover during the event.

Plus, you’ll get instant access to an exclusive bonus worth $3,940.

It's called The Timed Stocks Mega Bundle.

Get The Timed Stocks Mega Bundle

($3,940 Value) FREE


PLUS: Tell Jeff What You Want Him To Cover During
The Event, Timed Stocks: Accelerated

Grab it now here.

Only people like you… future Timed Stock: Accelerated insiders… can get access to this Timed Stocks Mega Bundle.

It is NOT available anywhere.

Inside, you’ll discover the name of 3 companies that could turn into Timed Stocks any day now.

Plus, the full list Timed Stocks that have soared, since the acceleration phase began in December… 179 in all… and the monstrous gains they could have handed you.

During Timed Stocks: Accelerated, Jeff will show you how you can grab gains just like them over and over and over again in the months and years ahead.

In fact, he claims that, if you do as he shows you, you can be $142,000 richer in the coming WEEKS. Starting with Jeff’s #1 Accelerated Timed Stock. Which is set to spike on July 30, at 8:30 am.

Click Here to claim your free copy the Timed Stocks Mega Bundle – and tell Jeff what you want him to cover during the event.

And get ready…

For Jeff Brown’s Timed Stocks: Accelerated.

It starts Wednesday, July 15th, at 8 pm ET.


Chris Hurt
Host, Jeff Brown’s Timed Stocks: Accelerated

P.S. Just a reminder the Timed Stocks Mega Bundle is free, yet extremely valuable.

Seriously. Within 30 seconds from now, you could be reading it — and have knowledge 99% of investors don’t know about.

Don’t pass up the chance to get an edge in this market. You’ll likely regret it.

Details here.

P.P.S. Also, please keep an eye out on your inbox. Jeff and I have got a few surprises coming your way. Stay tuned.

Event Details

© Bonner and Partners, LLC
455 NE 5th Ave, Suite D384
Delray Beach FL 33483
All Rights Reserved.

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