487 Chances to Profit?

Liberty Through Wealth


Nancy PelosiIs This the... Worst Law in History!?!

As Forbes Reported, This Law "Gives the IRS Carte Blanche to Confiscate Up to One-Third of Your IRA." Click Here to See the Gruesome Details.

Racing for the Cure

Allison Brickell | Managing Editor | The Oxford Club

Allison Brickell

While the coronavirus pandemic stretches on, pharmaceutical and biotech companies are racing to develop a vaccine. And their numbers are growing.

As Nicholas Vardy pointed out last week, a recent estimate puts the number of contenders at 487.

"Both governments and the private sector have allocated massive resources to this herculean task... The development of a COVID-19 vaccine is not a question of 'if' but 'when,'" Nicholas wrote.

The question for investors then becomes... which company (or companies) will come out on top? And how can you profit from it?

But we know this is uncertain time. And not everyone is comfortable taking the plunge. That's why we wanted to know how our readers feel about these COVID-19 vaccine companies. So in this week's poll, we asked: Are you investing in COVID-19 vaccine companies?

Reader responses were split down the middle. Some expressed concern about all the unknowns, like Harriet M. She wrote, "Too many uncertainties; too many companies working on this... we could have close to 'herd immunity' by the time a vaccination is readily available."

Some readers said the market seems too unstable. James W. wrote, "Very confusing to follow. I don't really know enough about this segment. I think of this area as very speculative and highly volatile."

But other readers are jumping in. Wayne T. wrote, "Big problems like COVID-19 need big investments to find a solution. I am investing in 4 or 5 likely winners in the race for a 'cure.'"

And Ingrid V. wrote, "The only benefit from investing in vaccine companies is making money off them. So if it means I make a killing, then yes! It's happening anyway so might as well benefit from it!"

What do you think? Click here to view the results of this week's poll and share your thoughts in the comments.

Invest well,


Note: Comments may have been edited for spelling, grammar and/or clarity.


Here are the highlights from this week in Liberty Through Wealth:



Washington's Sinister Power Grab

On September 16, 2020, Washington may make its ugliest move yet.

It could lay the groundwork for outlawing cash.

For some, it means potential gains of 1,000% or more over time. For others... the pain will be severe.

Click here to learn the exact steps to take between now and the end of the month.

Happy Investor
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If you don't invest now, you'll regret it later.

Click here for details on the top 5G stock...

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