Angel Investor reveals world's top tech stock

ISSUE August 1, 2020

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Editor's Note: Below is a piece from our colleague Van Bryan Managing Editor, The Near Future Report


Dear Reader,

Jeff Brown has made some incredible revelations before…

The angel investor predicted the top tech stock on the S&P 500 in three of the last four years…

He unveiled the key piece inside Apple's new iPhone – on stage in New Haven, CT – months before the phone has even hit the market.

And he's been at the forefront of self-driving cars, artificial intelligence and gene therapy technology – making a number of investments in tiny startups.

In this brand-new video, Jeff reveals the name of the most important tech company in the world.

He'll give away the ticker symbol and everything – for FREE.

It comes at about the 13:10 mark of this video.


Van Bryan

Managing Editor, The Near Future Report


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