The Trader’s Guide to SMART Money Goals

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Hey Trader,

Goals are powerful tools.

They direct your attention, energy, and focus and make it possible for you to achieve incredible feats.

The better you are at setting goals for yourself, the more you will accomplish.

In today's issue of Big Energy Profits we have an article that will show you exactly how you can set better trading goals for yourself.

That way you can accomplish your trading goals faster. I hope you enjoy it.

To Big Profits and Beyond,

Anthony Speciale Jr

Editor, Big Energy Profits

Hawkeye Traders

Crude News

Oil fell during yesterday's trade. OPEC+ reportedly needed to address daily oversupply of more than 2 million barrels, and the number of U.S. unemployment benefit claims rose unexpectedly, signaling a slow economic recovery.

While oil-market fundamentals may have started to normalize, much of the progress comes from the supply side, while demand continues to disappoint.

A firmer U.S. dollar, which makes oil more expensive for holders of other currencies, also put pressure on prices, analysts said, leaving them stuck in a narrow trading range.

Oil prices have been range bound since mid-June, with Brent trading from $40 to $46 per barrel and WTI between $37 and $43.

OPEC+, said on Wednesday the pace of the oil market recovery appeared to be slower than anticipated with growing risks of a prolonged second wave of the pandemic.

Markets also turned sour as the number of new U.S. claims for unemployment benefits rose back above 1 million last week.

The setback came a day after several U.S. Fed members said additional monetary policy easing may be needed because a rebound in employment was already slowing.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration said on Wednesday U.S. fuel demand fell by more than 2 million bpd to 17.2 million bpd in terms of product supplied.

Overall fuel demand in the last four weeks is down 14% from year-ago levels. As the summer driving season comes to a close, fuel demand tends to decline.

However, stockpiles of crude in the United States fell for a fourth straight week, even as net imports rose, the EIA said.

How to Create Your Best Trading Plan

Step 3: Define Your Trading Goals

Now that you've realized the amount of time you must commit to your trading plan, the next step is to define your trading goals.

But it's not enough to define trading goals, you must define trading goals that are effective.

There are too many traders that start out with goals that are too vague.

For example, "I will be more disciplined," "I will make more money" or "be more consistent" just don't follow a systematic process that make for SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Timely).

Effective trading goals are all about carving out a process for yourself and sticking to it.

So how can you align your goals with a systematic process that works for you?

Well, you have to start with a mental shift, develop a trade system, and control your irrational self.

Shift Your Perspective About Money and Trading

No one trades to lose money. In fact, the only acceptable outcome is income. But if that's the case, you might as well stick with a 9-5 job if you want guaranteed income.

You're already aware that the stock market doesn't care about what you want. Believe it or not, there are too many traders who set unrealistic goals such as:

"I will make X amount of money per week or per month."

While this is somewhat measurable, it is not realistic.

This is because markets have periods of volatility you can't time. So you can't set periodical trading goals to "make more money" on a consistent basis.

This is where you have to make a mental shift in defining your trading goals.

That's because trying to make money in trading is actually counterproductive. And trying to make that the sole outcome will lead to recklessness and frustration.

In fact, the only way to become profitable is to NOT focus on profit but to focus on process.

Because profits come to those who follow a systematic process.

And the main process is to not lose money. In fact, the less you focus on making money, the more likely you are to make money.

Focus on the process of trading because that's the part you have control over.

So how do you practice a good systematic process with your trading goals?

Develop a Systematic Trading Goal That Works for You

There are several systematic processes you can implement to create effective trading goals.

These are processes that Wall Street and other big corporations have been using to control price and volume.

So it makes sense to model those strategies.

One tested process you can use is "If, then…" statements.

For example, "If gold drops down to a certain price level and posts a key-reversal, then I will enter long."

Or you can use execution or risk management criteria to determine if an entry or stop loss makes sense.

The fact remains, following tested and proven trade criteria make your trading goals SMART.

But the real test is whether you can stick to the process and measure your progress. And that requires the ultimate discipline.

Can you do this?

Control Your Irrational Self

This part may upset you. But everybody needs "hard- to-swallow" pills sometimes.

It's important to keep in mind that even if you have a systematic process and criteria to define effective trading goals…

You might still lose money. This is where you have to reinforce the mental shift about profit not always being the sole outcome.

Because you can make a good trade and STILL lose money.

This can take the average trader some time to wrap their head around.

How can a trade be good if you lost money? Remember to focus on process, and not the outcome.

Markets are dynamic and won't follow your trading style during their cycles of bullish or bearish periods.

Some losses are okay as long as you don't lose all your capital. Think of it as a hand in poker. Sometimes, you just have to fold.

The aim is to make sure you don't bust out. IF all rules are followed, then regardless of the outcome the goal of proper trading was achieved. WIN or LOSE.

That way you can try again with your established processes when the odds line up in your favor.

Part of defining your best trading goals is to forge the mental capacity and discipline to stick with them.

Stay True to Your Trading Goals

Do not abandon your trading process because it didn't lead to profit. And don't load up all your capital on a trade when your trade indicators align either.

There is no bigger threat to your trading success than your human nature. It's important to master your irrational tendencies such as impatience and greed.

When it comes to trading, you can't let the monkey in your brain take over.

Take charge and control your irrational self. A good way is to assess how you feel when you pull the trigger. You should always feel good about your trade and not deviate from your process.

Accept that money and profit is not always guaranteed, develop a sound process that allows for reasonable profits and minimizes risk, and trade with integrity and commitment.

That's the one way to stay true to effective trading goals

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Monthly Analysis

Upside, the mid $40.00 price area can contain selling through August. Above which the mid $48.00 - mid $51.00 long-term resistance price area remains a several week objective, where the broader market can top out through the balance of this year.

Downside, a daily settlement below the mid $40.00 price area indicates a good August high has already been placed. The $39.00 price area is then expected within several weeks, where the market can bottom out through September.

NOTE: The $39.00 price area is also a significant downside tipping point into September. A daily settlement below the $39.00 price area then indicates the mid $29.00 price area within several more weeks, where the market will likely bottom out through the balance of this year.

Yearly Cycle Analysis

  • The 10 year cycle makes a major high on August 3rd and then sells off into August 24th before it begins a major move upward.
  • The 20 year cycle makes a major pivot on August 1st, followed by a major rally.
  • The 30 year cycle rallies sharply into August 23rd then pulls back into August 29th before continuing an upward movement.

NOTE: The 10 and 30 year cycles both see turns on August 23rd & 24th.

Key turning point dates:

August 4th

August 17th thru 18th

August 27th

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DISCLAIMER: * Futures, stocks, and spot currency trading have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures, stocks, and forex markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures, stocks or forex. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. Past performance of indicators or methodology are not necessarily indicative of future results.

CFTC Regulation 4.41 These results are based on simulated or hypothetical performance results that have certain inherent limitations. Unlike the results shown in an actual performance record, these results do not represent actual trading. Also, because these trades have not actually been executed, these results may have under-or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated or hypothetical trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to these being shown.

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