Beat Big Tech to This Billion-Dollar Fortune



Beat Big Tech to This Billion-Dollar Fortune

Rachel's note: COVID-19 transformed our daily lives. In fact, Strategic Investor editor Dave Forest is stuck behind the Canadian border due to lockdowns.

But it’s also accelerating trends…

As longtime analyst Andrey Dashkov showed, sustainable investing is getting a boost – thanks in part to the pandemic. And it’ll only continue to grow…

Recently, our team visited a remote desert at the heart of this movement.

It holds a $35 billion fortune. Tech giants are desperate to get their hands on the company that controls it. And you can get in before they do… with just a small stake today.

Then, be sure to catch up on this week’s dispatches below…


We're on the Cusp of Exponential Growth
This tech company might sound boring. But it's already worth over $10 billion…


Why the Fed's Digital Dollar Can't Compete With Bitcoin
This scam gives the government a new tool to confiscate wealth – but it could backfire...

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Apple pays $30 million per month for mysterious "6G" network?
5G has barely hit the market… And already there is something more powerful. A combination of technologies that takes regular 5G – and turbocharges it. In fact, the new technology is so superior to consumer 5G… Angel investor Jeff Brown believes we are looking at what he calls an "early version" of the 6G network… The next level up in speed, processing, and computing power. And right now, the biggest companies in America are paying a king's ransom to get access.

Apple is paying $30 million every month to use this early 6G network. Facebook forks over $11 million per month for private access. And Netflix spent $19 million a month during the pandemic.

The list of groups paying for 6G access doesn't stop in the corporate world. NASA, the U.S. Department of State, the USDA… The European Space Agency… Even the world-famous British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)… All are currently using this explosive early 6G network.

In total, as many as 100,000 of the world's most successful companies are paying a fortune to get early access to the next level of network speed: 6G.

One company runs this special 6G operation. In fact, Jeff believes this 6G pioneer is the most important tech company in the world.

Some folks even think this company's owner could soon become the world's first trillionaire. In this video, Jeff is going to show you how to make a fortune because of 6G. Click here to learn the name of this company for free – including the stock symbol.


COVID-19 Is Creating a New Wave of Biotech Winners
A world on lockdown is driving a "golden age" in tech. And you haven't missed your chance to get in on the incredible upside…


The Future of Investing Lies in Sustainable Companies
They're one step ahead of the rest of the market… and we can set ourselves up to profit before the money comes flooding in.

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This is America's new war (not coronavirus)
While everyone has been distracted by the coronavirus, a new type of war is erupting in America. It’s got nothing to do with our political parties – but will DEFINITELY affect you and your money. You must now choose which side you’ll be on. Porter Stansberry explains here…


Here's What Traveling Can Teach Us
Many of us may not be traveling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But today, David Forest reflects on how traveling changed his life… and shaped his career…


COVID-19 Was the Tipping Point for This "New World Order"
We're on the cusp of a new tech revolution. And Jeff Brown says it could bring everyday investors extraordinary wealth…

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Ever see anything like it?
Take a look at the horizon in this picture. There's something out there worth over $35 billion to Silicon Valley. Can you see it?



Rachel Bodden
Managing Editor, Casey Research

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