
Dear Registrant,

If you didn't see my message earlier, see below ASAP.

Time is running short...

Around 2:00 pm ET, Teeka and his right-hand man are releasing TWO NEW recommendations to help you profit from the 28-Day window...

If you want them, you only have minutes left to act.

Click here now.

Or read below...



Dear Registrant,

I'll get right to it...

I'm requesting your decision by 2:00 pm ET.

Last week, the 28-Day Anomaly Window officially opened.

Teeka Tiwari released 3 Alpha Edge codes for you to type in your brokerage account... So you could profit from this anomaly, and potentially reach your American Dream by November.

To prove how serious he was:

Teeka GUARANTEED these first three codes in his model portfolio could pay for your entire membership to Alpha Edge.

There can be no mistake about it now...

Teeka was correct.

  • We can officially confirm Teeka met his guarantee to new Alpha Edge members.

Even more incredible, he did it within 24 hours.

The bad news: You missed this opportunity.

The good news: Teeka and his right-hand man are releasing TWO more trade recommendation today.

And they're extending you the same guarantee...

With that said, these recommendations are coming around 2:00 pm ET.

So if you want to join Alpha Edge and get access (click here for a 50% discount)...

Teeka's team needs to hear from you now.

It's up to you.

Either way, I'm requesting you let us know your decision before 2:00 pm ET.

YES — I'm ready to join Teeka
No — I need more info

Thank you for your time.


Jon Alexander
Host, 28 Days To Your American Dream

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