Separating the Signal from the Noise

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

October 23, 2020


CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Man Outside of D.C. Does WHAT?!

GrahamYou WON'T believe your eyes when you see this video

This footage was taken from a suburb outside of Washington, D.C.

You won't believe what the man on the right did inside a nondescript office building in the middle of the day.

Thankfully, it was all caught on camera… leaving no doubt about what he accomplished.

Once you see the footage, you'll understand what the fuss is about.

Click here to see the full video.

Editor’s Note: The New Site is Live!

Our new website for Gilder’s Daily Prophecy is now live. You can check it out now by going to Just remember that our emails will now be coming from a different domain as well. So if you haven’t done so yet, please whitelist our new address by following the instructions here. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

Separating the Signal from the Noise

George GilderDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

The great challenge of life and technology is to separate the signal from the noise, while realizing that noise is actually a form of signal. If sufficiently random — as the folks at Qualcomm taught us following the message of Claude Shannon — noise can be the most efficient signal of all.

To infants, after all, the entire world seems like noise. As their vision converges, they increasingly distill signals from the noise. As an adult, they view most of the infant’s noise as a set of signals. Finally, to God, all is presumably signal.

In a digital code resembling “white noise” all the symbols are equally represented on average. Thus, sharing equal probability, entropy, surprisal, or informational significance, the bits can comprise an optimally efficient code. In English, this optimum is approached by “Huffman coding,” which gives each English letter representation by a number of bits inversely proportional to its incidence in normal communications.

In recent weeks, while my 102-year old Mom was dying and the world wobbled on its axis of gravitational debt, the pols have been trying to distract me with a roar of spiky chaotic noise, overcome at the graveside by an exquisite musical requiem by Yo-Yo Ma. As you may have noticed, amid the political racket, I even had trouble keeping my Daily Prophecies focused on crucial investor issues in technology and economics, which I hope to get to today after a couple more paragraphs.

Perhaps, I should first remove my hearing aids and shut off the Internet.

Sorry folks, they are out there fear-mongering and noise-making about everything from Huawei and TikTok to Hunter Biden and the “terrifying” COVID “second-wave,” and even the chilling monopoly threat of Google Search (when we all really wanted Microsoft’s Bing or even DuckDuckGo, right?). Distracting too were reports of menacing Spratly Islands defenses in the South China Sea and putative Facebook whack amole censorship of you and me.

And nearly everyone around here in Maskachusetts wants to frighten me into joining the masquerade in my runs. They have designer masks, sometimes with BLM and Antifa added, and leap theatrically aside from my heavy breathing passage down the valley.

Climaxing the whole shebang is mad-millionfold-testing frenzies, increasing false-positive paranoia everywhere to distract you from the plummeting of all-cause deaths. If you want to simplify your life by banishing noise, you should know all-cause deaths is the only signal that matters at all.

As John Schroeter quotes me in his new book, Brainwashed: “2020 is one of the lowest years for all-cause deaths in my 80-year lifetime. And the age of so-called COVID deaths is higher than the age of all-cause deaths.” In 2000, there were 8.6 global deaths from all causes per 1000 people. In 2010, the number dropped to 7.9 deaths. In 2020, the global deaths per 1000 people is running at an annual rate of 7.6.

I know this stuff is on your mind and mine. But may I be permitted to return to writing about technology and economics?

A lot is actually going on out here among the survivors.

Guy Who Predicted the Unpredictable Unleashes Stunning Forecast

Stunning New Prediction for 2020

You’re going to want to see this — America’s #1 futurist just came out with a stunning new prediction for what could happen in 2020.

And surprise, it’s got nothing to do with Trump. Or trade wars. Or the ongoing gyrations on Wall Street.

In fact, this could be your one chance to ignore all that upsetting “fake news” … and get back to the business of getting exceedingly rich instead.

It’s all in the forecast you’ll find at this link — click now.

Back to the Basics

Beyond the national security debate, telecom auction bids, and Telecom Act micromanagement of our networks, a new entente is arising to use the technologies of 5G and WiFi 6 in private applications — from factory floors and hospitals, to malls and stadia.

Heard of ASOCS, Affirmed Networks, Mist AI, Wave-In Communications, and Inventec Data Center Solutions? Starting in Taiwan, these companies are joining to launch smart manufacturing production lines to achieve what is called “industry 4.0” standards.

This is the next generation of manufacturing based on intelligent, just-in-time, sensor-based wireless automation and robotics — with components always available in real time, delivered by transport vessels wirelessly guided, and with information delivered to workers at the point they need to use it.

In Inventec’s plant in Taoyuan Guishan, Taiwan, automatic optical inspection systems, linked by ASOCS 5G wireless systems, increased manufacturing yields by some 14% from the outset.

ASOCS CEO Gilad Garon said he didn’t want to wait for all the pettyfogging governments to get in line before he started delivering “immediate and tangible value” with standalone 5G. ASOCS’ on-premise mobile cloud is an open solution using standard hardware mostly based on Intel chips.

Affirmed, of Acton, MA, provides software for network function virtualization (NFV) in the cloud for any “G” wireless protocols. It’s been proved out in more than 100 networks in 80 countries. While the world huffs and puffs about Huawei, the company affirmed it is doing its own 5G. Wave-In, of Taiwan, is Inventec’s system integrator.

And what about 128 Technology? My telecom guide Daniel Berninger points to this Massachusetts firm as a leader in offering AI-based security and connectivity along with a Silicon Valley company called Mist AI. They do Radio Resource Management (RRM) for private deployments of 5G technology.

RRM manages wireless complexities that cannot be handled by simple device-to-device models. Addressed is co-channel interference and other radio transmission noise in demanding domains such as factory floors and city streets. Controlled are parameters such as transmit power, beamforming, data rates, handover rules, modulation schemes, and error coding.

Mist, Affirmed, 128 Technology, ASOCS and Inventec are spurring an industry breakthrough from first generation wide area network technology from branch-to-cloud to a modern AI-driven network that operates robustly from client-to-cloud.

Top U.S. Economist George Gilder Makes New Prediction

Today’s Prophecy

Well, I hadn’t heard of some of these new paradigm companies either before several were snapped up by the industry leviathans. Affirmed is now part of Microsoft, and Juniper Networks has purchased Mist and 128 Technologies.

ASOCS is an Israeli company (I chair its advisory board), and for all I know it is being pursued as well.

While all of us are surrounded on all sides by noise, entrepreneurs around the globe continue to distill new signals of opportunity. Even though it has been a hard month, I continue to pursue the emerging paradigms of an emerging new world. Life After Capitalism continues to take shape, as information theory defines the future of economics and technology, invention and investment, knowledge and power.


George Gilder

George Gilder
Editor, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

P.S. Please take a moment and watch this brief video my friend and colleague Graham Summers recorded. What he reveals on camera is an opportunity to collect BIG GAINS from the market in a very short period of time (under 2 hours!). He calls these 2-hour profit windows “Lunchtime Trades,” and I want you to see his technique before it gets taken offline forever this Sunday, October 25th, at midnight. So, click this link and check it out for yourself!

Former CIA and Pentagon Advisor:

"Americans Should Do These 5 Things NOW"

People standing America could be facing a catastrophe that will catch most people by surprise…

And no, it’s not the coronavirus.

Most Americans have no idea what’s about to hit them in the coming days.

Which is why Americans should take these 5 steps right now.

Click here now to see the shocking details.

Three founders Publishing

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