The Most Simple Way to Grow Your Wealth During a K-Shaped Recovery

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Hey Trader,

I hope everyone has had a great week.

Today is your last chance to join the Big Energy Profits family and receive my personal trade ideas and mentorship.

I have a special offer available just for readers of this newsletter, so click here to take advantage of your opportunity to join.

Many of my traders have already had the chance to recoup the cost of their membership by taking action on my daily trade ideas…

And I'm excited to give traders a shortcut to more profitable trades.

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In this issue of the Big Energy Profits newsletter you'll discover:

  • The Reason Why Bullish Sentiment on Oil is in Short Supply
  • How to Shortcut Your Path to Success by Following People You Admire
  • The Most Simple Way to Grow Your Money During a K-Shaped Recovery

Please enjoy, and welcome to Issue #35 of Big Energy Profits!

Crude News

3 Reasons to be BEARISH on OIL

Reason #3 …The Supply:

Most of the oil market's focus over the last few months has, understandably, been on demand. The decimation of demand for oil was devastating, and the rate of recovery from that is obviously the most important factor in price.

However, supply matters too.

Not that long ago, it wouldn't be the potential problem it is today. When OPEC controlled a massive percentage of the world's production, they simply had to say the word and the oil would cease to flow. Now, however, with the U.S. being the world's largest producer and OPEC responsible for only around 40% of the world's crude supply, output can't be controlled by OPEC alone.

Market forces will be in charge, and the impact there is not as predictable as you might think. In theory, that massive drop in demand should have resulted in an equivalent drop in supply, but that wasn't the case in North America. As I said, demand fell almost to zero, whereas supply fell by around 20%, according to the EIA.

Obviously, demand is no longer at zero, but without a commensurate long-term supply adjustment, any slowing of that return such as detailed above is likely to cause an exaggerated response in price.


As you can see, there are three very good reasons that oil should go lower. As any trader knows all too well, though, should and will are not always the same thing. Most of these things have been true or known for a while, but CL has remained quite steady for months. However, the longer all three remain as they are, the more downward pressure on crude there will be so favoring short crude positions for a while is the logical thing to do.

7 Habits for Success in Trading

Habit #3: Learn from People You Admire

Another habit that's closely related to reading every day is to learn from people you admire. Because of history we'll always have heroes and iconic people to look up to. They inspired us through their way of life and legacy. And a great part of success is to apply their teachings and guidance.

Luckily for all of us this has created a never-ending cycle of greatness that connects all of us. We take inspiration from the people who came before us and create actions that inspire others that come after us.

We Are More Connected Than Ever

Today, it's easier than ever to learn from people you admire. Technology now gives you access to people you admire without ever having to meet them.

There's no need for seminars or 1-on-1 meetings; especially if it's not necessary. You can learn from the people you admire through their books, interviews, art, speeches and any medium at your fingertips.

You are more connected to anyone you admire than you can ever imagine. And it may not even have to be someone who's not immediately or physically accessible.

You also have the option of family, partners, and close friends.

Admiration and inspiration can come from anywhere.

How To Learn From People You Admire

Now, it's just a matter of reaching out and learning from them. Focus on one 1-3 three people at a time. Consider your 24 hours and discern what metrics of your time you can commit to the people you admire and want to learn from.

Just like school, a student can only learn from a limited amount of subjects at a time. Do not overwhelm yourself with too many classes of your favorite teachers in conjunction with your daily life.

To start:

  • Read their books, blogs, and emails.
  • Watch their interviews and speeches.
  • Model their habits (if applicable to your lifestyle).
  • Copy them and apply their advice (if applicable, modify if not).

Beware of the Pedestal

There's nothing wrong with admiring people or wanting the success and accomplishments they have achieved.

Just make sure your admiration doesn't turn into blind obsession and allegiance. Don't ever fanboy or fangirl over someone to the point that you think they can do no wrong. The people you admire are also human beings and not infallible.

The problem with placing your admirers on a pedestal is that they will always end up looking down on you.

So use critical thinking and discern what information you're learning from them. Cross-check it with other people.

Even with the people you admire, you can learn from their rivals or other viewpoints that are different from them.

You may find weaknesses in their worldview and improve upon them for your trading purposes.

It's good to trust the people you admire but it's better to verify that they stand by what they preach.

You Are One Person And Can't Do It Alone

Success isn't a single variable. It just doesn't come from hard work alone. It also comes from proper education and guidance.

That is why we need loving parents, good teachers, and certified experts in our lives. They offer experience and wisdom we could never realize in our lifetime.

They've made all the mistakes so you don't have to and they'll even be there if you don. It's okay to defer to other people you admire for their expertise and knowledge.

Think of them as the assembling instructions that come with the foundation of success you want to build.

You're going to need some help along the way.

And accepting help when necessary is admirable itself.

Which Way Will Your Money Go During a K Shaped Recovery?

The people who are able to see how the markets will move will be able to take advantage of the growth opportunities during this K-Shaped recovery…

Meanwhile everyone else will slowly lose their wealth over time.

We are at an important crossroads in history.

The decisions you make today could have a lasting impact on your financial future.

Which way will your money go during this recovery?

Fortunately, as a trader you're in the perfect position to watch your wealth soar as our nation recovers from the downturn.

You just need to be able to see how the markets will move.

And now you can thanks to the little-known force in the market called V-Swarm.

Click Here to Discover How You Can Profit From This K-Shaped Recovery

Monthly Analysis

Upside, a daily settlement above the mid 41.00 price area indicates the mid 43.00 price area by the end of next week. Then the mid 46.00 price area becomes attainable within several weeks after that. The mid 46.00 price area is considered the start of a range of long-term resistance up towards the 50.00 price area which is likely and able to contain buying well into next year.

Downside, the mid 41.00 price area level can contain buying through October, below which the 32.00 price area remains a several week downside objective which is likely able to contain selling through the balance of this year.

Yearly Cycle Analysis

  • The 10 year cycle makes a major high on October 6th and then heads sideways into October 19th then rallies strongly.
  • The 20 year cycle rallies sharply into October 14th then sells off into November.
  • The 30 year cycle makes a low on the October 2nd before rallying into a major high 9th to 11th of October then sells off sharply into October 23rd before rallying into the end of the month.
  • NOTE: The 10 and 30 year cycles rally from October 23rd onwards.

Key turning point dates:

  • October 2nd - ties in with weekly cycle
  • October 14th to 16th
  • October 20th
  • October 29th - ties in with weekly cycle

Anthony Speciale Jr

Editor & Chief Investment Strategist,

Big Energy Profits

Hawkeye Traders

Call us: (888) 233-8598

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