re: Holiday Gift for Day Traders

Hey Phan Hoa,

Holidays are a time not only for giving, but thinking of the newness, resolutions and opportunities to come in the New Year.

I get so many emails from aspiring and seasoned traders asking for advice about getting consistently profitable. I definitely have solutions for them but many are scared to take the necessary steps.

Scared of the uncertainty

Scared wondering if this is for them

Scared to spend too much money in case it isn't.

However, how can anyone truly know?

For me, the answer was "enough was enough". 

I was ready to get serious. 

I was ready to stop self-educating. 

I knew if I was going to really become profitable I needed a reliable strategy.

I give the best back-tested, proven strategies to my students but I take ONE step further and MENTOR them as well. Otherwise, how will they know they're doing it right?!

If that's something you've been wanting, NOW IS THE TIME. 

It's not too late to take control of 2020. With COVID hitting us unexpectedly in so many ways, one thing is for sure, that it will be hard to go back to old ways. 

People have been writing to me saying that Day Trading has truly sparked their interest. This makes me so happy because I know what a positive impact it has had on my life and my family. This is why I am so passionate about sharing my unique strategies and proven processes when it comes to day trading successfully. 

This may be for you if. . . 

You are ready to make a living day trading.

You don't want to return to the office grind day in and day out. 

You don't want to deal with having a boss rule the day. 

If this is you, I want to share something quickly. . . 

Almost 9 years ago, under a slightly different scenario, I had a "detour" in my professional journey. After pouring YEARS of my heart and soul into my online travel business, I had to decide if I wanted to grow it to the next level. I didn't. I was totally burnt out on it. 

I had just turned 40 years old, and decided it was time to change my life. 

I gave myself a gift. 

I threw myself into something totally new. I had always been fascinated by the markets but had never spent the time to truly explore it as a serious career option.

My life philosophy is: It's never too late for a new beginning.

I made a leap into day trading and committed to learn everything I could. As a gift for myself I invested in the best:

  1. An exclusive 3 Month Day Trading School $3,000.00
  2. One -on- One Mentoring $7,000.00
  3. Conferences and Summits $10,000.00
  4. LIVE Chat Rooms $2,500.00
  5. Small Week Long Immersive Retreat $5,000.00

Total investment: $27,500.00

Return on Investment over 2 Years: - $31,000.000

I went about it ALL WRONG.

I'll tell you more about that tomorrow. . . 

I am here to help YOU avoid all of the mistakes I made. 

I want to give you a gift. 

For the next 5 days, I am giving a huge Holiday gift . . . click here to open your gift.

Happy Trading,

Marina 'The Trader Chick' 

PS: If you want to chat more, hit REPLY.

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