See Momentum Dry Up Through Order Flow Before A 20pt ES Drop


A few days ago I released the Next Level Order Flow Trading Course
and one of the main topics of the course is building trading strategies
around different aspects of market activity such as Momentum, Volatility,
Balance, Volume and Value.

This morning, the high is ESH1 3835.75 was a great example of a market showing
decreased momentum on a move up. Why is this important? Because when momentum
on a move decreases the move generally ends soon.

Here is the footprint chart:

ES Footprint chart

Right after the cash open, the market exhibited strong buying that you could
easily see in the delta. Deltas were +1683. +2545 and -1224, but as the market
was making new highs above 3830.00 you start to see negative deltas creeping in
-496 and -185. Now there were two bars with positive delta of +95 and +324 but
that is just a shadow of the strong positive deltas the market had earlier. Then
at the high of day, negative delta of -105, -385, -190. The buying momentum was
over and now selling momentum is in play.

ES bar chart

The market then proceeded to sell off from the 3830.00 area to the 3810.00
over the next 10 minutes. 20 points in 10 minutes! We did drop another 20 pts
to 3890.00 before rallying back up to 3830.00 again after 10am Central time.
But these types of trading opportunities appear almost every day. You just
have to know what to look for and be able to identify it. 

That is exactly what I teach in The Next Level Order Flow Trading Course.

In the Next Level Order Flow Trading Course I discuss situations like this and much more.

If you want to advance your order flow knowledge and also your trading 
knowledge in general then you should get access to 
The Next Level Order Flow Trading Course today!

Get Access Here  

I hope to see you on the inside.

Thank you and regards,

Mike Valtos

P.S. This course is currently offered at its early bird pricing and will be increasing to its
normal price soon. Don't miss out on the savings. 
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