Why Most Day Traders Fail and how to avoid it

Hi Phan Hoa,

To say most day traders fail would be a major understatement. It would also be untrue. The REAL truth is that most day traders never even truly get in a POSITION of real day trading. 

Typically they enter with high expectations, no foundation, lose and then grunt saying "day trading is gambling". Or they hit it big, and continue going in with bigger and greater risks, without ever understanding the importance of or grasping what Risk Management is really all about. Or worse, they get expensive software that promises algorithms to automate something that isn't automatable

Above all of these, they simply don't have any strategy at all, and simply keep donating their money to the markets. Hundreds of hours spent. Thousands of dollars invested. NEGATIVE return. And a burning hole of doubt and dread where once existed dreams of day trading and freedom.

These are the stories you won't see or hear about. 

Nobody likes talking about these failures. They're embarrassing. 

But where the secrecy around these screw-ups really HURTS us, is that it makes it harder for us to diagnose the critical failure points . . . and more importantly, defend against them. 

But that changes right now. It's time to flash a 40,000 watt spotlight on the biggest day trader-killing dragon out there. And prepare you to defend against it. 

So why do most day traders suffer this awful fate? 

>>> It's not because of a lack of passion or commitment 

>>> It's not because they can't do it 

>>> It's not because the market is working against them 

>>> It's not because of a lack of funds 

It's actually much more simple (and fixable) than that… It's because most day traders don't treat this as a real business with a plan or a strategy.

As day traders, so much of what we do in our day-to-day is scattered, too general, without discipline or anchoring. We know how to DO and we know how to THINK. But the success is truly found in knowing "EXACTLY HOW to HANDLE VARYING MARKET CONDITIONS".

… and the proper management of the dozens of tiny moving parts around it that becomes the Achilles Heal of our efforts. 

Here's the million-dollar insight:

Your day trading career is a long-term, profitable ASSET. It's worth more than most people's homes. It's not something that you simply want to "wing it and pray". It's not something you haphazardly string together in your spare time. And it's most DEFINITELY not something you "figure out as you go". 

To get it right, it requires meticulous step-by-step planning, attention to detail, and FOCUSED execution on the right steps. And most importantly… It requires 100% confidence that every single action you take is the right step forward. Because any misstep can put your account into the red when it is completely avoidable. 

Look, you don't need a "playbook". And you don't need a program whose idea of "step-by-step" instruction is about as clear as an Ikea instruction manual. You need concise understanding that can be applied to every market condition with successful results. And that's where The Day Trader Master Training Road Map comes in… 

The Day Trader Master Training Road Map:

Get this step-by-step signature system to identify the 3 most important positions in Day Trading. Get an over-my-shoulder view on the LIVE markets and see the strategy in action!! It takes into consideration any type of market condition. 

This equals more wins for you.


That's not all, I have bonuses!!

Bonus #1: Fool-Proof BackTesting Entry System and Training Module

You'll get a Bonus Training Module covering the most important, and least talked about SECRET HACK for traders. BACKTESTING. Learn this technique and how applying it to your own trading will literally not only save you THOUSANDS on understanding bad set ups, it will BRING you $$$ for those highly profitable, tested TRADE SETUPS. 

That's just the tip of the iceberg, though…

Bonus #2: The Trader Chick Day Trading Journal 

This Customized Journal will help you truly keep track of your trades and allow you to see your profitable trades vs. your bad ones, and helps you stay out of the bad and get into the good (consistently)!

You'll get a downloadable template of my exact Day Trading Journal that allowed me to become consistent and profitable. This was the biggest game changer for me and it will be for you as well.

Bonus #3: One Month Free in My LIVE Trading Room

This is huge…

You read that correctly… 

You + me + amazing community of traders, 

One Month Free in My LIVE Trading Room

This entire opportunity I want to invite you to seize right now costs less than a tank of gas. To FINALLY build the most important asset in your trading - YOUR STRATEGY, Psychology and SKILL! 

Let's start trading, 

Marina 'The Trader Chick'

P.S. Did you see those bonuses? It's the next best thing to having me sit with you at your trading desk. You get free access to my Live Trade Chat Room CHECK IT OUT NOW . . . .

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