[eBook] Hyper Options: No Brainer Trades

Hello Trader,

Hopefully by now you have had time to read through my new eBook Hyper Options: No Brainer Trades. If not, you can go ahead and download it directly by clicking the text right here.

The eBook outlines my super simple and super easy to use strategy known as Hyper Options.

The logic behind my Hyper Options strategy is the same logic that was behind my 57-trade winning streak several years ago. I went an entire year with out a loss. It's back, and you don't want to miss it.

If you read the eBook and want to see exactly how I implement these trades, then I want to invite you to watch me create and execute these trades Live on my next Hyper Options webinar.

Typically, I host a Hyper Options Webinar every other week, and I only allow people who are subscribers to join the meeting. However, I want to offer you a chance to sit in on the next webinar for only $47.

In the webinar I will show you how I find these High Probability trades myself, how I narrow down the list of potential trades, and you will see me actually put on the trade in my account. After we finish putting on the trades, I will tell you exactly how I plan to enhance the trade depending on market movement and I also cover what to do in the unlikely event that the market turns against the trade.

I also make it a habit to answer any questions I receive during the webinar. So please, feel free to let me know if you need clarification on anything. My goal is to make sure you know and understand the strategy thoroughly for yourself.

Trade Smart, Retire Early

Anyone with a trading account with options positions can take these trades. Why? Very little capital is needed, so little time is involved.

Glossing over Risk Disclaimers is a dangerous habit many traders have developed. With all trading strategies, there is "profit potential" and there is "risk potential". Risk potential means you could experience losses. Profit potential means you could experience profits. Glossing over a risk disclaimer may lead to deciding to stop trading strategies long before they should stop trading them because they did not take the risk disclaimer seriously. Understanding risk is more important to the overall success of trading than you might think. Every strategy and trade opportunity associated with PDS Trader carries risk. In all cases, you decide whether the "profit potential" is worth the "risk potential". *Disclaimer – Results may vary from person to person and results are not guaranteed. (For more information, read our Privacy Policy https://paydaystocks.com/privacy-policy)


Quantum Trading Technologies PO Box 1510 Clearwater, Florida 33757 United States

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