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Mar 01, 2019 00:31 AM
Japan Nikkei Manufacturing PMI above expectations (48.5) in February: Actual (48.9)...
Mar 01, 2019 00:01 AM
South Korea Trade Balance climbed from previous $1.34B to $3.1B in January...
Feb 28, 2019 23:32 PM
Japan Tokyo CPI ex Food, Energy (YoY) meets forecasts (0.7%) in February...
Feb 28, 2019 23:31 PM
Japan Tokyo CPI ex Fresh Food (YoY) above expectations (1%) in February: Actual (1.1%)...
Feb 28, 2019 23:30 PM
Japan Tokyo Consumer Price Index (YoY) came in at 0.6%, above expectations (0.4%) in February...
Feb 28, 2019 23:30 PM
Japan Jobs/applicants ratio in line with forecasts (1.63) in January...
Feb 28, 2019 23:30 PM
Japan Unemployment Rate above expectations (2.4%) in January: Actual (2.5%)...
Feb 28, 2019 21:45 PM
New Zealand Building Permits s.a. (MoM) climbed from previous 5.1% to 16.5% in January...
Feb 28, 2019 21:45 PM
New Zealand Terms of Trade Index below forecasts (0.1%) in 4Q: Actual (-3%)...
Feb 28, 2019 21:30 PM
Australia AiG Performance of Mfg Index: 54 (February) vs 52.5...
Feb 28, 2019 16:00 PM
United States Kansas Fed manufacturing activity dipped from previous 2 to -4 in February...
Feb 28, 2019 15:58 PM
Colombia Gross Domestic Product (YoY) registered at 2.7%, below expectations (2.8%) in 4Q...
Feb 28, 2019 15:30 PM
United States EIA Natural Gas Storage change came in at -166B, above expectations (-171B) in February 22...
Feb 28, 2019 14:51 PM
United States Chicago Purchasing Managers' Index came in at 64.7, above forecasts (57) in February...
Feb 28, 2019 14:00 PM
Belgium Gross Domestic Product (QoQ) remains unchanged at 0.3% in 4Q...
Feb 28, 2019 13:32 PM
United States Gross Domestic Product Price Index registered at 2% above expectations (1.7%) in 4Q...
Feb 28, 2019 13:32 PM
Brazil Nominal Budget Balance came in at 26.044B, above forecasts (-7.1B) in January...
Feb 28, 2019 13:31 PM
United States Personal Consumption Expenditures Prices (QoQ) in line with expectations (1.5%) in 4Q...
Feb 28, 2019 13:31 PM
United States Core Personal Consumption Expenditures (QoQ) came in at 1.7%, above expectations (1.6%) in 4Q...
Feb 28, 2019 13:31 PM
United States Gross Domestic Product Annualized came in at 2.6%, above expectations (2.3%) in 4Q...
Feb 28, 2019 13:30 PM
Brazil Primary Budget Surplus registered at 46.9B above expectations (34.3B) in January...
Feb 28, 2019 13:30 PM
Canada Industrial Product Price (MoM) below forecasts (0.1%) in January: Actual (-0.3%)...
Feb 28, 2019 13:30 PM
United States Continuing Jobless Claims came in at 1.805M, above forecasts (1.733M) in February 15...
Feb 28, 2019 13:30 PM
Canada Current Account came in at -15.48B, below expectations (-13.5B) in 4Q...
Feb 28, 2019 13:30 PM
Canada Raw Material Price Index remains unchanged at 3.8% in January...
Feb 28, 2019 13:30 PM
United States Initial Jobless Claims came in at 225K, above forecasts (220K) in February 23...
Feb 28, 2019 13:01 PM
Germany Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (YoY) in line with forecasts (1.7%) in February...
Feb 28, 2019 13:01 PM
Germany Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (MoM) came in at 0.5%, below expectations (0.6%) in February...
Feb 28, 2019 13:01 PM
Germany Consumer Price Index (YoY) registered at 1.6% above expectations (1.5%) in February...
Feb 28, 2019 13:01 PM
Germany Consumer Price Index (MoM) meets expectations (0.5%) in February...
Feb 28, 2019 13:00 PM
Russia Central Bank Reserves $ increased to $480.5B in February 23 from previous $474.6B...
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