Pablo Piovano posted new content

Latest content from Pablo Piovano
Mar 01, 2019 07:59 AM
The lack of direction in the shared currency is prompting EUR/USD to remain sidelined within a tight range in the 1.1370 region today. EUR/USD looks ...
Mar 01, 2019 07:28 AM
Open interest in JPY futures markets increased for the second straight session on Thursday, this time by around 7.5K contracts from Wednesday's final ...
Mar 01, 2019 07:11 AM
CME Group's preliminary data for GBP futures markets noted open interest shrunk after two consecutive builds, this time by almost 4.8K contracts. In t...
Mar 01, 2019 06:59 AM
According to advanced figures for EUR futures markets from CME Group, investors scaled back their open interest positions by nearly 1.5K contracts on ...
Mar 01, 2019 06:22 AM
Tracked by the US Dollar Index (DXY), the greenback is adding to recent gains and is approaching the 96.30 region ahead of the opening bell in the Old...
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