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Aug 01, 2019 00:31 AM
Japan Nikkei Manufacturing PMI below expectations (49.6) in July: Actual (49.4)...
Aug 01, 2019 00:31 AM
South Korea Nikkei Markit Manufacturing PMI below expectations (47.9) in July: Actual (47.3)...
Aug 01, 2019 00:04 AM
Ireland Purchasing Manager Index Manufacturing dipped from previous 49.8 to 48.7 in July...
Aug 01, 2019 00:03 AM
South Korea Trade Balance fell from previous $4B to $2.441B in July...
Jul 31, 2019 23:50 PM
Japan Foreign Investment in Japan Stocks up to ¥37.5B in July 26 from previous ¥-110B...
Jul 31, 2019 23:50 PM
Japan Foreign Bond Investment down to ¥-162.2B in July 26 from previous ¥1027.8B...
Jul 31, 2019 23:02 PM
Australia Commonwealth Bank Manufacturing PMI above forecasts (51.4) in July: Actual (51.6)...
Jul 31, 2019 23:00 PM
South Korea Consumer Price Index Growth (MoM) came in at -0.3%, below expectations (0%) in July...
Jul 31, 2019 23:00 PM
South Korea Consumer Price Index Growth (YoY) registered at 0.6%, below expectations (0.85%) in July...
Jul 31, 2019 22:31 PM
Australia AiG Performance of Mfg Index rose from previous 49.4 to 51.3 in July...
Jul 31, 2019 22:00 PM
Mexico Fiscal Balance, pesos: -152.27B (June) vs previous -5.69B...
Jul 31, 2019 19:49 PM
Yohay Elam and Joseph Trevisani discuss the dramatic Fed decision that has sent the dollar higher despite a rate cut.......
Jul 31, 2019 18:10 PM
The EUR/USD came under strong bearish pressure in the last minutes as the Greenback gathered strength following the Federal Reserve's policy statement...
Jul 31, 2019 18:00 PM
United States Fed Interest Rate Decision in line with forecasts (2.25%)...
Jul 31, 2019 14:30 PM
United States EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change below forecasts (-2.588M) in July 26: Actual (-8.496M)...
Jul 31, 2019 13:49 PM
United States Chicago Purchasing Managers' Index below expectations (50.6) in July: Actual (44.4)...
Jul 31, 2019 13:06 PM
Chile Industrial Production (YoY) fell from previous -0.2% to -2.9% in June...
Jul 31, 2019 13:04 PM
Chile Unemployment rate below forecasts (7.3%) in June: Actual (7.1%)...
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