Pablo Piovano posted new content

Latest content from Pablo Piovano
Aug 01, 2019 11:46 AM
The broad-based rangebound prevailing in both the Sterling and the shared currency is prompting EUR/GBP to follow the same theme in the 0.9100 area. E...
Aug 01, 2019 11:03 AM
The bearish note around the European currency in combination with some fresh demand for the Japanese safe haven is dragging EUR/JPY to fresh mutli-day...
Aug 01, 2019 09:09 AM
EUR/USD Overview Today last price 1.1047 Today Daily Change 48 Today Daily Change % -0.28 Today daily open 1.1078 Trends Daily SMA20 1.1203 Daily SMA...
Aug 01, 2019 09:02 AM
Dollar Index Spot Overview Today last price 98.82 Today Daily Change 34 Today Daily Change % 0.25 Today daily open 98.57 Trends Daily SMA20 97.42 Dai...
Aug 01, 2019 08:45 AM
EUR/JPY Overview Today last price 120.45 Today Daily Change 33 Today Daily Change % -0.02 Today daily open 120.47 Trends Daily SMA20 121.29 Daily SMA...
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