The Russian Scandal You’re Not Hearing About

Palm Beach Daily

Chaka’s Note: Chaka Ferguson here, longtime managing editor of Teeka Tiwari’s Palm Beach Daily. Regular readers know we tap into Teeka’s extensive network of insiders and experts to find the biggest trends in the market. And today, we’re handing the reins to our close friend and colleague Jeff Brown.

Now, I don’t know anyone who’s followed the fifth-generation (5G) wireless technology trend as closely as Jeff. Every time I talk to him, he’s pounding the drum on how this tech will revolutionize the way we communicate. He also believes it’ll make early investors windfall profits.

But like many of you, I’ve heard concerns about the health risks associated with 5G. And Jeff is taking these health concerns seriously. There’s no one I trust more on this topic than him. So be sure to find out what he has to say below…

The Russian Scandal You're Not Hearing About

By Jeff Brown, editor, Exponential Tech Investor

As the 5G wireless infrastructure buildout swings into high gear, one concern keeps popping up in the feedback sent my way.

Many people worry that this new generation of wireless technology will also bring a wave of health issues—ranging from cancer to nosebleeds to autism…

From Shawn S.: I’ve seen zero coverage on 5G health hazards. But I don’t believe it’ll be harmless to human health at all...

From Tina C.: 5G is a killer. Do your research! Geez, I really thought the most awake and intelligent people would know just how bad 5G really is for humanity and the planet.

From Michelle L.: Hi Jeff, I’m your subscriber and I’ve heard many concerns over the safety of 5G. There are some who claim that we won’t know the extent of what it can do to our health until it’s too late. Have there been any studies to see how it’ll affect our health? If it hasn’t been around long enough, then how can we assume that it’s safe?

From Christen P.: With regards to the 5G health concerns, couldn’t U.S. interests be motivated to quash studies researching the safety and potential health consequences of the technology?

Now, let me say outright: I don’t believe 5G poses a health risk. And in fact, research supports that. Many of these same health concerns emerged during the rise of 4G—yet the problems failed to materialize.

However, I understand that new technologies can be frightening, especially to anyone who isn’t a scientist or researcher.

But here’s why I’m so certain that the 5G fears will be another nonevent…

The Safety of 5G

You see, mobile phones emit radiofrequency radiation (radio waves)—a form of non-ionizing radiation. This kind of radiation is normal. It’s all around us. Non-ionizing radiation only has enough energy to excite a molecule. And the byproduct is merely heat.

But ionizing radiation is higher frequency—and can be a severe health hazard. It can cause radiation sickness, burns, cancer, and even genetic damage. Ionizing radiation is the kind of radiation we find with using nuclear power.

So it’s important to be clear that 5G wireless tech is a form of non-ionizing radiation. (And for that matter, so is the current 4G wireless tech and every other generation prior to that.)

Now, since radio frequencies (RF) have been used in radio, TV, wireless networks, and many other services for decades… this is a careful area of study for regulatory agencies to ensure that RF waves have no negative impact on consumers’ health.

To be very clear, there’s no conclusive evidence that RF wireless tech causes any side effects in consumers who use—or are even in the presence of—wireless networks.

A study in Denmark analyzed the records of over 358,000 mobile phone subscribers with brain tumor incidence data from the Danish Cancer Registry. The analysis found “no association between cell phone use and the incidence of glioma, meningioma, or acoustic neuroma, even among people who had been cell phone subscribers for 13 or more years.”

Yet in 2018, there was some very bad reporting concerning a study on the effects of high RF energy exposure on rats. It found that male rats exposed to radio waves developed schwannomas (small tumors) on their hearts at statistically higher rates than the control group.

However, mice and female rats exposed to the same radio waves did not develop any of these small tumors. (Ironically, the animals exposed to high RF radiation lived longer than the control animals that weren’t.)

For obvious reasons, I’ll continue tracking this topic closely as 5G wireless networks become more widespread.

But it’s important to note that all 5G-enabled smartphones will still meet the safety limits and standards set by the Federal Communications Commission, which is informed by the Food and Drug Administration.

But now, I’d like to focus on a different question.

Where did this idea of dangerous 5G even come from? How did an improvement in our wireless technology generate such anxiety?

I think I know the answer…

Nefarious Propaganda?

You might be skeptical of what I have to say, but please keep an open mind…

Deploying 5G wireless networks is such a competitive advantage that it’s become a race between countries to be the first to build them out. Governments around the world recognize their nations will become more competitive the sooner they build out these networks.

For example, this February, Russia launched its own 5G program. But its progress is far behind the U.S. or China…

That’s why RT America (part of the RT network funded by Russia’s government) aired a segment titled, “A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity.’” The media piece outlined how 5G is connected to everything from brain cancer, infertility, and even Alzheimer’s despite having no scientific support.

Now, we already know that the Russian government has been proven to have highly structured programs for mingling in U.S. affairs and influencing public thinking. RT is widely considered to be a propaganda machine supporting Russia’s interests.

And what better way to slow down America’s 5G rollout—and give Russia time to catch up—than spread misinformation and doubt about the safety of the technology?

You might be doubtful. But keep in mind, 5G is expected to unleash an estimated $12 trillion in wealth in the coming years. So whichever country sets the 5G precedent will be the economic powerhouse of the next decade.

And we should ask ourselves this: What wouldn’t a government (with questionable ethics) do to secure that advantage?


Jeff Brown
Editor, Exponential Tech Investor

P.S. There’s another insight you should take away from this: If world governments are waging economic warfare to secure 5G dominance, it suggests how transformative this technology really is.

And investing in key 5G companies is a once-in-a-decade opportunity. Smart investors stand to make 10 times their money with a few key investments.

That’s why I’m hosting my free 5G Investment Summit this Thursday, August 22, at 8 p.m. ET. I’ll reveal my stock-picking method for finding the fastest-moving 5G stocks. Plus, I’ll even give you the name of my No. 1 5G company to add to your watchlist.

I haven’t revealed this research anywhere else. So be sure to reserve your spot to claim it right here.


This Week: Brand New 5G Summit with Jeff Brown.

Jeff Brown is one of America’s leading 5G experts. But this Thursday, he’s making his biggest 5G prediction yet.

If you’re looking for the chance to double, triple, or even quadruple your money—multiple times—this is a must-attend event.

Click here to register instantly for FREE.

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