Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Aug 15, 2019 19:44 PM
The AUD/USD pair has added roughly 30 pips this Thursday, with the Aussie getting an early boost from Australian employment data, much better-than-an...
Aug 15, 2019 19:42 PM
The USD/JPY pair posted a modest intraday advance this Thursday, finishing the day a few pips above the 106.00 level. The market's mood tempered with...
Aug 15, 2019 19:40 PM
The GBP/USD pair triggered stops above the 1.2100 figure and rose to 1.2150, with the Pound underpinned by better-than-expected UK Retail Sales, whic...
Aug 15, 2019 19:38 PM
The EUR/USD pair fell to a fresh 2-week low of 1.1091, as US data surprised to the upside, while ECB's Rehn spoke about "significant" stimulus needed...
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