America’s last honest central banker

Bill Bonner’s Diary

America’s Last Honest Central Banker

By Maria Bonaventura, Managing Editor, Bill Bonner’s Diary

Saddened by the death of Paul Volcker, Bill spent the week thinking about our funny-money economy… and what comes next.

Volcker, according to our editor, was “America’s last honest central banker.” Still, the late Fed chair did have a hand in creating our EZ-money system, after he helped Nixon sever the dollar’s last ties to gold back in 1971.

But Bill wonders: Could we really be in a New Era boom now, funded forever by technology, innovative world-improvers, and the Fed’s funny money?


Maria Bonaventura
Managing Editor, Bill Bonner’s Diary


A Fit of Collective Insanity… and a Moment of Silence
While POTUS and the markets rejoice about the “blowout jobs report” and the semblance of a U.S.-China trade deal, our editor takes a different view. And he uncovers one overlooked piece of information that is flashing a recession warning…


A Salute… and a Warning
Bill goes down memory lane, back to the birth of America’s funny-money system in 1971. By taking gold out of the dollar system, he points out, Volcker and the Nixon administration opened the gates of Hell. And it’s been “Inflate or Die” ever since…


Great Debate Continues: Brave New World… or Is Winter Coming?
On Wednesday, our editor wonders: Can technology save us from our record debts… and help our economy grow so fast that even the wildest claptrap from the world’s thinkers seems reasonable?


One Up On Jesus
Every generation goes through fads that the next generation then finds ridiculous. And today, between questionable climate-change theories… and incredible negative interest rate proposals… our editor muses that future generations won’t have to look too far to find something to laugh at…


What Happened to the Brave New World?
On Friday, our editor breaks down three reasons why economic growth has slowed – despite the initial boost in wealth that we got from technology over the past two centuries.


What I Do When the Market Is Closed… and Why It Matters
On Saturday, we turn to trading “wizard” Larry Benedict. After starting from the bottom 35 years ago, Larry has built a successful trading career. And in this weekend edition, he lets us in on the insight that helped him get there…

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WOW! Did you catch that?
Market Wizard Larry Benedict just used his trading technique to generate $106,547 in a single trading day…

Actually, he made the bulk of it in just a few hours.

All of that money – every single penny – is going to a local charity, Boca Helping Hands.

The good news for you… is that he’s willing to teach you exactly what he does…

(Larry believes you can make an extra $200,000 next year trading this way.)

To claim your charter membership to Larry’s new advisory, click here now . And remember: 1% of your purchase goes directly to Boca Helping Hands. Your subscription tonight will help feed 150 people.
Watch his exclusive presentation here.


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And most importantly, you’ll get the names and tickers of the 3 stocks you can use to get started.
Just click here.

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