Three Articles that Get it Right When it Comes to AI

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

December 30, 2019


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Three Articles that Get it Right When it Comes to AI

George GilderDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

Artificial intelligence – or AI – is a theme I discuss in great details throughout all of my publications here at Gilder Press.

These days everyone believes that artificial intelligence is the big new thing that will change the world and determine the wealth and power of nations. In Washington, many heavy-breathing fearmongers think that if China takes the lead in AI, it's all over for the US.

That is, unless we fight back with "quantum computing" or vorpal blades, or 7G wireless, or some other perpetual motion miracle machine.

Let's take a look at three articles that are getting it right when it comes to AI…

1. Mind Over Matter: Setting the Record Straight on AI

There can be no butterfly effects, black swans, entrepreneurial surprises or other novelties. Big data from billions of sensors and sources do not begin to comply with these requirements. Software maps will never enable a car safely and reliably to drive itself without major hardware advances in vision systems. And contrary to popular belief, AI will create jobs rather than destroy them, like all computer technology has done throughout history.

Find all of the pertinent details by clicking here.

2. The Elephant in the Room: The Truth About AI

Hey, it's existential. It's climate change. It's China. It's artificial intelligence (AI). It's machine learning. It's tax reform. It's rising water. It's sinking male testosterone. Try Google Search: Existential threats and crises are everywhere. But watch out for China's 13th five-year plan for AI dominance.

Click here to see the AI elephant forming in the brush.

3. Finding Common Ground in the World of AI

Apparently AI makes you stupid — how else can you explain the climax at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference? It was a "debate" between Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, now abruptly retired into a plush UN sinecure, and Elon Musk of Tesla, SpaceX and Neuralink, ready to land on Mars and put implants in your mind. Beyond the reach of the UN, he wants to save human consciousness from the depredations of AI and other perils.

Find out who will be dominant in the future of AI by clicking here.


George Gilder

George Gilder
Editor, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

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