Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Dec 26, 2019 18:50 PM
The Australian dollar continues to be the best performer against the greenback, with the AUD/USD pair having extended its rally to a fresh December h...
Dec 26, 2019 18:48 PM
The USD/JPY pair has traded higher within range this Thursday, as a better market mood alongside dismal Japanese data weighed on the safe-haven curre...
Dec 26, 2019 18:46 PM
The GBP/USD pair hovers above the 1.3000 figure ahead of the Asian opening, up amid the broad dollar's weakness in Boxing Day. The bullish potential,...
Dec 26, 2019 18:44 PM
The American dollar eased this Thursday in extremely thin conditions, with just US markets opened. Wall Street advanced, most likely underpinned by e...
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