Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Dec 30, 2019 19:25 PM
The AUD/USD pair reached the 0.7000 level for the first time since late July, advancing for the eighth consecutive day. The Aussie continues advancin...
Dec 30, 2019 19:23 PM
The USD/JPY pair has fallen to 108.76, its lowest since December 12, ending the day just below the 108.90 level. The pair was down on dollar's weakne...
Dec 30, 2019 19:19 PM
The GBP/USD pair benefited once again from the dollar's weakness, with buyers putting aside Brexit concerns. The pair surged to 1.3150, its highest i...
Dec 30, 2019 19:17 PM
The EUR/USD pair peaked at 1.1210 early on Monday, a level that was last seen mid-August, as the broad dollar's weakness was again the main theme acr...
Dec 30, 2019 13:44 PM
The EUR/USD pair has reached a fresh December high of 1.1210 at the beginning of the week, helped by persistent dollar's weakness. The advance, howev...
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