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Jan 29, 2020 00:31 AM
Aussie fourth quarterly CPI has arrived ... AUSTRALIA Q4 CPI (ALL GROUPS) +0.7 PCT Q/Q (REUTERS POLL +0.6 PCT) (slightly Bullish). Data as follows 28...
Jan 29, 2020 00:30 AM
Australia RBA Trimmed Mean CPI (QoQ) in line with forecasts (0.4%) in 4Q...
Jan 29, 2020 00:30 AM
Australia Consumer Price Index (QoQ) came in at 0.7%, above forecasts (0.6%) in 4Q...
Jan 29, 2020 00:30 AM
Australia Consumer Price Index (YoY) registered at 1.8% above expectations (1.7%) in 4Q...
Jan 29, 2020 00:30 AM
Australia RBA Trimmed Mean CPI (YoY) came in at 1.6%, above forecasts (1.5%) in 4Q...
Jan 29, 2020 00:22 AM
Australia Westpac Leading Index (MoM) up to 0.05% in December from previous -0.09%...
Jan 29, 2020 00:04 AM
United States API Weekly Crude Oil Stock climbed from previous 1.6M to 4.27M in January 24...
Jan 29, 2020 00:03 AM
United Kingdom BRC Shop Price Index (YoY) climbed from previous -0.4% to -0.3% in December...
Jan 28, 2020 23:45 PM
Australia Westpac Leading Index (MoM) up to 0.1% in December from previous -0.09%...
Jan 28, 2020 22:00 PM
South Korea Consumer Sentiment Index above expectations (97.5) in January: Actual (104.2)...
Jan 28, 2020 20:35 PM
Here is what you need to know on Wednesday, January 29th: The greenback remained the strongest, in spite of a change in the market's mood during US tr...
Jan 28, 2020 18:03 PM
United States 7-Year Note Auction down to 1.57% from previous 1.835%...
Jan 28, 2020 16:33 PM
United States 52-Week Bill Auction down to 1.49% from previous 1.55%...
Jan 28, 2020 16:09 PM
US President Trump is on tweeter, ahead of the US Federal Reserve monthly meeting: "The Fed should get smart & lower the Rate to make our interest com...
Jan 28, 2020 15:00 PM
United States Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index above expectations (9) in January: Actual (20)...
Jan 28, 2020 14:35 PM
United States Redbook Index (MoM) remains at 0% in January 24...
Jan 28, 2020 14:35 PM
United States Redbook Index (YoY): 5.3% (January 24)...
Jan 28, 2020 14:24 PM
United States Redbook Index (MoM) increased to 0.1% in January 24 from previous 0%...
Jan 28, 2020 14:09 PM
United States Redbook Index (YoY): 5.5% (January 24) vs 5.3%...
Jan 28, 2020 14:00 PM
United States S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices (YoY) registered at 2.6% above expectations (2.4%) in November...
Jan 28, 2020 13:30 PM
United States Durable Goods Orders ex Transportation came in at -0.1% below forecasts (0.2%) in December...
Jan 28, 2020 13:30 PM
United States Durable Goods Orders came in at 2.4%, above forecasts (0.5%) in December...
Jan 28, 2020 13:30 PM
United States Durable Goods Orders ex Defense below expectations (0.5%) in December: Actual (-2.5%)...
Jan 28, 2020 13:00 PM
Russia Unemployment Rate meets forecasts (4.6%) in December...
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